Business Any Better


Designed by Mother Nature
Silver Member
Our favorite pool hall has started an in-house pool league on Tuesday, another on Wednesday, and one on Thursday. It has made a lot of happy customers, because we don't have to travel to a different place, every week. It's reliable and we aren't out so late, either. We have people come from towns that are 20-30 minutes away. You can't beat that kind of dedication. If anyone in Tulsa or nearby is interested in joining one of our league nights, I think they are about to start back up on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Our Thursday night league got a slow start, so we're just now in mid-season. The website is at

As for the cue sales, that has definitely slowed down since about October. Fortunately, we've still been getting some orders, though. People are seeing our work more, since more of our cues are finally getting around and we are hearing from folks who want a cue built to their designs.


New member
I have to agree

Drive the extra ten minutes to Petaluma and play at Universe Billiards instead. 35 a month for members, ALL of the local real players now play there, the owner actually cares about pool, 10 foot snooker table, tourney on saturday.

The owner of Buffalo is a complete toolbox who care zilch about pool, has offended most of the local players, let the equipment turn to crap, and basically ruined what used to be a great place, and was still a decent place before he bought it. We're all waiting for his D-bag ass to sell it or go under. Used to have great equipment, you could play billiards with Bob Byrne, tons of college kids coming in and now its a sad empty hall with crappy tables in need of repair, high prices and an owner who needs to leave the industry immediately. Only one of my friends still goes in there and said the new manager would tip himself when someone ordered beers sometimes.

I've been in Nor-Cal for a year now and have to agree whole-heartedly with this post!

Just my .02

Andrew Mathias

I hope you didn't do this

Idea I have been bouncing around in my head is to give a customer discounted pool ALL the time if I am allowed to put a window advertisement or Bumper sticker. Not just the little ones but something decent sized on their cars. If they have a job like pizzas where they are driving around a lot it might be good advertising. What do you guys think of this idea?

Think about what is at the root of all this ...sure your thinking Its so slow
I need more customers . Why? Because you need $$$$ OK then it wont help if suddenly your giving all these customers that are contributing to the goal of more $$$ cheap time on the off chance that maybe they will attract new business The pool hall I go to gives out player cards that they stamp when you pay. play for five Hr get five stamps when you get ten stamps you get a free Hr of pool. so they are only giving a ten percent discount to good customers. think about raising the prices on time just a little bit during peak hours a bit more if it doesn't work out you can all ways lower it back. you want free advertising try to get your local news show to do a story on how businesses are coping with this depression. Pool is sexy . And they do this story all the time. Any way I feal your pain and I pray that you can hang in there! Hey are there any government loans that you can get like for cleaning up that old toxic chemical spill in the back yard or making the attic A.D.A compliant or some thing??



Cue & Cushion_STL_MO
Silver Member
My idea was never for ALL players. Just certain ones. It would have been for students that play in the back. Go to a large university. So it would not affect my premium tables. I would never do it for someone that plays by himself on our best table all day long and make others leave because they cannot play on it. It would be on a case by case basis. Pizza delivery guys perhaps. People that are driving all day long or people that have access to a lot of exposure. I did not do it yet.

As for government loans. No interest. At all. The Obama initiative to give me a $5000 tax break if I hire someone? Thats a f***ing joke. All they have to do is reinstate some of the past breaks that the Clinton administration took away. Cut the paperwork by 75% and that would encourage hiring more than what they are proposing.