3C Quiz #2


I believe.the shots are from matches and those matches are somebody's intellectual property.

it wouldn't be right to make a vid that was just somebody else's stuff.
The matches shown in the videos are public stuff. Reproducing (approximately) the path of the balls do not violate any copyright, it just shows which path choose the top players for a given position, the aim is to help players to make up their technique with a practical and amusing mean. The links to the real videos are also authorized.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The matches shown in the videos are public stuff. Reproducing (approximately) the path of the balls do not violate any copyright, it just shows which path choose the top players for a given position, the aim is to help players to make up their technique with a practical and amusing mean. The links to the real videos are also authorized.
Im with you on your use type.