Advice needed


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Have a chance to buy what I believe is a 9ft Goldvrown 4 that is approx. 4 to 5 years old. Looks nice and plays nice. Does anyone have a rough idea what this would be worth or what would be a decent price on this. Thanks and sorry if this thread is in the wrong section.


Silver Member
just did a quick internet search and they range from $2000 (questionable) to $5000 used. GC IV's are great tables. The are durable and well constructed and if it has been taken care of, it will last forever. I personally would pay $4000 - 4500 for a pristine used one. But, it's all what you think it is worth to you. You can find some other tables that are less expensive that you may be just as happy with.



Silver Member
But quick question... what do you mean by you "believe" it to be a GC IV? You would know if it is or isn't. It would have a big brunswick logo on it that you can't miss. Do an image search on google and you can see exactly what they look like. If it doesn't have the logos on the table, that's usually a dead givaway too! :)


Midnight Rambler
Silver Member
I would advise you to post some pics of the table, to allow the more knowledgable table folks have a look-see.

But as another poster said, 2500 - 3000 is a fair price, if it's in good condition.