anyone here a memeber of and wanna try this online tournament??


Hittin' the tables!!
Silver Member
Seems alot of people have tried to start tournaments here by clicking the play online button at the top of the screen. Noone seems to know how to start it.
I started a torunament and need 5 more players to see exactly how this works. so if you are a member and wanna play a quick tournament please click the play online button join my tournament and meet me in the az billiards pool room on ill hang out here about a half hour or so to see if anuyone wants to try other wise ill give up :)


Shane Sullivan

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Awesome game

This game rocks. Developer is deffinately a pool player. Love it, don't know why more ppl don't play it,

Shane Sullivan

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
need some more players. Come to and register. You won't be disappointed with this game.