Arthur Cues


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just picked up a Arthur cue and wondering if anyone here might have his contact info. Trying to determine the woods he used. It's an incredible playing no wrap merry widow, Burl grip and possibly back and white ebony. If anyone has one of his entry level cues I'm interested in buying another. Thanks


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just picked up a Arthur cue and wondering if anyone here might have his contact info. Trying to determine the woods he used. It's an incredible playing no wrap merry widow, Burl grip and possibly back and white ebony. If anyone has one of his entry level cues I'm interested in buying another. Thanks
Maker's name is Marcus Dienst. Lives in Germany. Contact Cornerstone Cues


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Written him twice but no response. Maybe he just has a personal email somewhere?