Barry Behrman-


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Interesting stuff, thanks.

(In-a-gadda-da-vida comes in at just over 17 minutes, tho admittedly much of that is instrumental)

I would like to thank Bob Jewett for posting this full version of lyrics and for directing me to in a gadda da vida enjoyed listening to it after all this time.

BRussel, I cannot agree with you that O Canada would be an improvement in terms of replacing Canada with Merica. We have had our own problems. Every year or so someone wants to change the lyrics to be more inclusive so you have to consider if you wanted to take on the challenge of people having to learn new lyrics each year; not to mention changing the French part to Spanish and all that it entails :).

I like the U.S. National anthem and, in particular, I like the respect that most Americans have for it; the removal of head covering, the hand over the heart. I don’t like it when major artists, so filled with their own self importance, try to change it to some other, non traditional, style so that it becomes about them.

On another thread I have already given full disclosure to the fact that my irritation with the anthem at the U.S. Open 9 ball was misplaced (post #123 on us open escrowed thread) and he was right to call me on it. I have no issue with the singing of the anthem and in fact I think it would be a nice touch if not for Barry’s irksome blather and the timing of when he chooses to do it.

Does any of Barry’s feldergarb get on the ESPN version or on Accu Stats DVD’s?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
And, I know it's off topic (sorry) but I loved Kate Smith doing God Bless America for the Philadelphia Flyers. A nice tradition also.


AzB Gold Member
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Thanks for the insight, Angel.

I hope things go better this time, but I've had hopes before.

Maybe everyone could go get a drink when the microphone comes out.


Hi Bob,

You have seen and experienced the bulk of the heartbreak that the pool world has gone through,
mostly by it's own hand.
I too have watched hopes elevated and dashed over the years.
There are stalwart efforts being made
Please, hold out hope.

Yes a timely exit would do it.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
as a player and an avid US OPEN FAN:

I have been to many of the US Opens in my lifetime, and before 9/11/2001, I thought Barry did good for the players and I really think all of his intentions were good for the game. Then 911 came, and Barry still decided to hold the tournament, when he had most of his ticket sales gone. One more thing that Year..when they announced that day what happened, Earl Strickland stood up and gave a donation of either $ 500.00 / or $ 1000.00 right out of his own pocket,and donated it to a fund for the situation, many props to Earl for that. The US Open went on and Barry couldn't cover the money he promised, and that was the start of the downfall. The next year, while attending, Hurricane Irene, came to town, and the Holiday inn and the conference room, where the tournament was held, were the only places with power, because they brought these Tractor and Trailer 18 wheeler Power Stations in for the Tournament and Holiday inn. Again this was another tragedy for the US Open, and again Barry could not pay all of the players. From there on, Barry lost control of being able to have the money to pay the players..but before these, I think Barry did a pretty good job, he just was unable to gain control of the situations after that, I had always looked forward each year to attend the US Open, and scheduled my vacation with the US Open, my number one priority..Barry tried other things to help raise money, but got burnt and went to jail because of the choices he made, but that is another story. My point of view is . until these 2 situations affected the US Open, things might be a lot different now. I don't appreciate how he treated the players and dedicated fans from then on..they were always his bread and butter, per say..Not taking any sides, just sharing my opinions..I remember when he had the Tournament in his Pool Room, 1988, when Mike Lebron won, might have been the last year for his Pool Room to hold it, because it kept getting Bigger and Bigger each year..He also had the Women's US Open at his Pool Room at the same time, which was a treat also....I remember many of us went across the street to this mission and bought cushions for about $ 1.00 each, so we use them in the bleachers, and at the end of the week, we always gave them all back....Just reflecting on some of my years at the US Open...I hope through Pat Fleming taking control of the Dollars this year, I hope for this Tournament gets back to the Prestigious event that it was, and can flourish once again...Maybe a step in the right direction...not taking sides, just expressing my opinions...PEACE MY FRIENDS......Duke..:)


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
... Then 911 came, ...

Johnny Archer was interviewed on American Billiard Radio a couple months ago. He said that when he won the US Open 9-Ball Championship in 1999, he was put on a payment plan for the winner's prize money. So Barry Behrman's practice of slow paying goes way back.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I like the U.S. National anthem and, in particular, I like the respect that most Americans have for it; the removal of head covering, the hand over the heart. I don’t like it when major artists, so filled with their own self importance, try to change it to some other, non traditional, style so that it becomes about them.

That has also been a real sore spot with me, forever !..I have a laundry list, of talented artists I used to enjoy, until they used our anthem to try and show off their vocal skills !..Now I refuse to even listen to them...I wish everyone would treat them the same way ! :(

Here is a perfect example, of how it should NOT be sung !...

Here is how it should be sung, with the respect it deserves...

PS..Sorry for the 'Bashing Behrman' interuption...Carry on !!!! (he deserves it) :cool:
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WO double hemlock
Silver Member
That has also been a real sore spot with me, forever !..I have a laundry list, of talented artists I used to enjoy, until they used our anthem to try and show off their vocal skills !..Now I refuse to even listen to them...I wish everyone would treat them the same way ! :(

Here is a perfect example, of how it should NOT be sung !...

Here is how it should be sung, with the respect it deserves...

PS..Sorry for the 'Bashing Behrman' interuption...Carry on !!!! (he deserves it) :cool:

Here's my favorite rendition...,d.aWw