Can Someone Work On My Nova Cue?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
was wondering if any of you Cuemakers out there could work on my Nova Custom Cue? specifically i would like to have the weight lowered from around 19.2 to somewhere between 18.2 to 18.4.

can anybody out there help?


Teddy Harris

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
DrCue'sProtege said:
was wondering if any of you Cuemakers out there could work on my Nova Custom Cue? specifically i would like to have the weight lowered from around 19.2 to somewhere between 18.2 to 18.4.

can anybody out there help?

Any cuemaker that is willing to work on someone elses cue should be able to handle it. It really depends on the weight bolt...and if the weight bolt is already short aluminum. If it is, then it is not adjustable by the bolt. Then it depends on how far you are willing to go to get the weight out.
I would be glad to take a look at it for you.