Carbon Fiber at Mosconi Cup


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
SVB and Styer get paid to use those shafts. I was watching the Thorpe SVB match at Steinway and Thorpe after the match, after he blew a Hill Hill run out, started complaining about the shaft that it gets too much draw. This is exactly what I see with these shafts, but when I bring it up everybody just tells me, no no no no.

Svb could use any cue he wants as long as it’s a cuetec. He can go back to the r360 any time..


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Tiger won using Nike clubs. They weren't the problem. Far from garbage. Custom made at the "Oven" in Ft. Worth by T. Stites who was the top guy at Hogan. Whoever told you they were garbage doesn't know much about golf. There are still pros using their Nike irons 'cause they were some of the best ever. A little off-topic there, sorry just had to put it in.

No one played with them who wasn’t getting paid to.. and the best players in the world who tried them said they were garbage at the time. Especially that Sasquatch driver lol