Carom Cafe Web Site


Can someone please tell me what happened to the Carom Cafe Web Site??

Is it still online? takes u to lost in space.

Jan Carl/Ira Lee, if you guys read this... why not have a direct link from the CaromTV site to the Carom Cafe web site??

Thanks guys
Jay Siegel


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think the Carom Cafe website is no longer up. Just the CaromTV site. The Carom Cafe website was pretty great.

Thanks, Jay. I miss the old rack em up days. Chicago, anyone?


Carom Cafe... still looking

Thanks but no thanks...

Carom TV and Carom Cafe, I believe, are two entirely seperate entities. is the video production company run by Jan Carl, Ira Lee and Min Jae Pak.
Carom Cafe is a cafe/billiard room located in Flushing, New York owned and, to the best of my knowledge, operated by Mike Kang and Kyung Lee(Mrs. Sang Lee).

The CaromTV site is fine, you can even access the WebCam that broadcasts from "Carom Cafe" as well. Why not have a link to the Carom Cafe "HOME PAGE" as well?? I cannot for the likes of me locate the web site.

Status please? Has the name changed?

Thanks again




Hey Jim,

Congratulations again, what happened? It was a fairly good, rich in content site. The problem was all the abiguity that was created with the names... what ever happened to CaromCorner? They were running/sponsoring tourneys once upon a time.

Anyhow.... aside from home, where do you play?

I play a little in SpinCity and Cafe Uno. Hitting em alright...

Take care and cu


Rack Em

Sadly enough, I haven't beeh to rackEmUp in about a year. Nothing there.

I don't know if you heard but both Pete Martino and Doug Chin passed away this year..... alot of years.

Take care