copied from froum to blog :) SBE WAS AMAZING!!


Hittin' the tables!!
Silver Member
My experience at the SBE…..

First off it was such an honor to be involved with the 14.1 challenge. Steve & Charlie did an amazing job! A lot of time & work went into this event. I knew it was going to be awesome but to be honest it exceeded my expectations for sure.I am so proud of both of you for how well this turned out!!

I told the guys on the way home (and yeah this is going to sound so girly) but when they were packing up the car and I walked back to our now almost empty booth I looked around at it and just smiled so big and I felt a tear come to my eye because of how proud I was of them for pulling it off and because I knew what an awesome thing happened there this week! I am sure next year will be bigger and better!!!
And I thank you guys for letting me be a part of it…not just as an obligation for being 1- Steve’s wife and 2 -one of Charlie’s long time friends, but because you wanted me to be there and you knew I wanted to be there as well!

The first time I went to the SBE was about 10 years ago right after my husband and I started dating. I knew nothing about pool, nothing about players, hell I didn’t even realize how many women played and I don’t even think I knew there were actually PRO women players at that point. Over the years I let Steve go with the guys to get some time away. Now that I have been playing a while, know what I am doing (sort of) and know more about the game I was eager to go! Even before the whole 14.1 challenge came about, I knew I wanted to go this year. I am so glad I did! Even though I didn’t spend too much time out of our booth it was the greatest experience ever!

Watching the guys (and the few ladies I saw) playing I have a new found respect for them and the game. The focus and the knowledge you can see in their eyes and in their game is just amazing!! Seeing it on TV and on live stream doesn’t even compare to the feeling of watching them play in person.

It was so great to see that they act like regular people and are just as nice as can be! I was a little nervous about how they would act, that went away very quickly! They were very comfortable to be around. Some of the guys that came to the booth to play I had never heard of (remember I’m a newbie to this world!!) Or had I had heard the names but never saw them play. So now next time I see them or hear something about them I can say “I know who that is”

The only female I really talked to and hung around with was Samm Diep… OMG she is the sweetest person I have ever met in my life!!! If you haven’t met Samm yet, when you do you will feel the same! She is so real and so awesome! I didn’t want her to leave the booth!! I can’t wait till we can get together again and hang out! She is also an amazing player I loved watching her shoot!

Another awesome feeling was when I was shooting around on the empty table ( one of the few times it was actually empty) I was on a 10 ball run and I scratched, I heard people behind me and one guy said “ouch that sucks ,you’re a pretty good shot though” and walked away! I had no idea they were even watching. (Yet when I got up to take my turn at the challenge I couldn’t make ball…. 8 balls out of 5 innings not so good lol) At one point Sunday morning waiting for the top 8 to get there I was shooting around and Bob Maidhoff had come over (again didn’t even hear anyone behind me) all of the sudden I heard him telling me to slow down my stroke and helping me out while I was playing it felt nice to have someone who plays as well as he does give me some advice

It was really a pleasure to meet and watch players like John Schmidt, Bobby Maidhoff, Steve Lipsky, Danny Barouty, Bobby Chamberlain, Corey Deuel, & Mika Immonen in person!! It was a week I will not soon forget. I hope 1 day I will be able to play on a level even half as good as these guys.

And to all the AZ’ers who came down and tried out and played thank you so much for the support and it was so great to meet you all!! Please befriend me on here or send a little message….there was so much going on this week I cannot remember everyone’s names

So many things happened at this event that Charlie Steve and myself will be talking about for quite a while I am sure! I am so glad that I was able to share this moment with 2 of my best friends.

Thanks for reading!