David Goodenbour


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I got a call from David's ex-girlfriend today. She told me that Dave was in a hospital in Aberdeen, WA, where he recently moved, having some treatments for a heart condition when he had a massive stroke and passed away. I believe he was in his early 60's

David mainly played up here in the Pacific Northwest but would occasionally stray out of state for a tournament. He hadn't been playing much the last couple of years due to ill health.

David was the owner of Riverside Billiards and Blues in Mount Vernon, WA until it closed in September '07.

I'll miss him. We had a lot of good times together.



That is soo sad,

15 years ago, I used to go into Dr. Cue and Billiards in Lake City and I remembered seeing him practicing on one of the front tables. He was always approachable and had some great stories.

At the time, I also remembered that when we entered the local tourneys there, he would never practice, he preferred to simply get going once he got his bracket draw. He would just relax, then next thing you knew, he was running out on you.

He will be missed.