DIFFERENCE Efren's prime ( 1975 to 1979) vs ( 1985 to 2000ish)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I agree sir that age does take its toll, what I was curious on why he would say his best was while age 25 to 29 ONLY One would think that if you continously play pool regulary your peak will (at least phsically ) will reach around mid 30's barring injury ailments while the mental aspect and knowledge of the game continue to grow along . Efren was the one who Nailed and spoke of the specific time frame (1975 to 79 ) Now there is some clarity that it the reason is he says that it is his cue ball control he feels was at his best during that time as he was playing straight rail pool
i don't know nor do i care. why you're so obsessed is beyond me. bye.


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
While Efren may have enjoyed his best execution skills early in his career, his conceptualization skills grew considerably in the 1990s as he began to embrace the fringe games, especially one pocket and eight ball, but also bank pool and straight pool.

In my opinion, he was a much better pool player in the late 1990s than in the late 1980s.

At rotation pool, he never had a great break and the advantage he enjoyed as the world's best kicker was reduced by the advent of the jump cue. By the late 1990s, almost everyone carried one.

Any suggestion that Efren's prime ended in 1985 is, to me, absolutely ridiculous.
On the same page here, Stu. Efren said once he played his best pool when he was 20…..I said BS….he hit the ball better ‘cause that’s what young players do….as they learn more about the game they lose that accuracy because they don’t use it nearly as much.