Distractions at the U.S. Open


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I was the on the mic doing most of the announcing this week. And I was the one who said that Shawn had derailed the D-Train, after he won the first five games in quick fashion! I had been calling Dennis the D-Train all week and he loved it. Contrary to what the OP said here, Dennis was not bothered by anything I said as much as he was by way the match was going. NONE of the players had a problem with my announcing. In fact they liked what I had to say, especially in their introductions. I don't remember any other event where I got so many compliments from spectators about my announcing. It's easy to align with one guy who has something bad to say. I just wish some of the favorable comments could be heard as well. I'm not making any excuses for the job I did this week. In fact I'm damn proud of my work!

Jay, I thought you did a bang up job as you yourself say. But I did think your comment on the D train was an unnecessary distraction. That's all I meant to imply. So hopefully we can agree to disagree.