Does this ad bother you?

Does this type of advertising bother you, that which includes an F-bomb?

  • Doesn't bother me, 30 y.o. or younger

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Doesn't bother me, 30-50 y.o.

    Votes: 22 32.8%
  • Doesn't bother me, 50 or older

    Votes: 26 38.8%
  • Bothers me, 30 y.o. or younger

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Bothers me, 30-50 y.o.

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • Bothers me, 50 or older

    Votes: 15 22.4%

  • Total voters


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Okay, I am impressed that you do not use that word, you are probably a bit of an anomaly with reference to that, but if you think that is just a single letter, you are thinking in a naive manner. Everybody on planet earth knows exactly what they meant and what were they were implying. I mentioned earlier that I use the word often enough when jibber-jabbing with my friends, or in an automobile when another driver disturbs me, but there has got to be a situation where it shouldn't be used for a matter of respect, especially when you're dumping it out on the internet to millions of people who are of all different understandings.
We are closer to agreeing than you think. I agree we all know what they meant. I do not agree it's the same as saying the word. I agree some will be offended and that they have the right to be. I think it's important to be truthful in that they were not swearing. There are loads of words that people substitute because, while it is intended to mean the same thing, it doesn't. I'll spare you and only give one example. Darn it. My pastor will say darn it without batting an eye and he is a by the book Baptist. This man truly spends every day being the best Christian he can, while helping others do the same. Now would it be fair if I told a story saying Pastor said Damn It? It would not because that's not what it means to him.

I also appreciate your acknowledgement, but I cannot take credit I do not deserve. For 44 years I was the biggest offender I've ever met as far as casually dropping the F bomb. I was as unapologetic as a person can be. I was given a 2nd chance at life in July. I acknowledged the miracle I was given and my wife and I were blessed with another miracle the doctors told us was not possible. So, to be accurate, I never use that word now. There's a lot of things I don't do now lol. I'm not here to preach but if anyone, and I mean anyone, ever needs help and feel they no longer can do it alone, please message me. No pressure, no judgement, just me passing along a gift that I never asked for that saved my life. Sorry for the hijack.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Bullsh!t. I by no means live a sheltered life but they are a professional billiard equipment vendor and should act as such.
WTF does that mean? Is there a billiard equipment vendor code of ethics??? If there is i Must have missed it.


Well-known member
Also, I sent Pooldawg an email expressing my disagreement over using such childish/lewd language a d they didn't have the b____ to respond. I am not a holier than though type individual by any stretch of one's imagination, I f bomb amongst my friends trucker style sometimes, but also respect others by not polluting their space with what I would call assumed verbiage privileges.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
There's an expression that many young people don't know, called 'lowering the bar.' The 'bar' represents the level of class, dignity, self respect, and all those good things that people used to strive for in their lives and for their children's lives. Some still do, but the numbers of those people are dwindling down --- thus the lowering of the bar.

There has been a lot of research and many studies done on cursing. The results say that cursing, even in jest, has an underlying anger to it.


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
Seth 'freakin' Rollins
But in that example, they ARE trying to be edgy. They are targeting their specific audience, and they certainly are aware of the ramifications. Their marketing people are all over this stuff, and they have to answer to shareholders, as well as the network they air their shows on. They pretty much know that anyone that would be offended by using that word in his name would already be offended by other aspects of their programming and aren't watching.

Pooldawg using that in an ad is... interesting. Just seems to be more to lose than to gain, to me, but so be it. (Again, doesn't bother me at all.)


Well-known member
A small compliment of voters for the poll, but sadly I think it does reflect the moral decline in our culture. This is demonstrated in the societal turmoil we are experiencing these days. I believe they go hand in hand.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
A small compliment of voters for the poll, but sadly I think it does reflect the moral decline in our culture. This is demonstrated in the societal turmoil we are experiencing these days. I believe they go hand in hand.
Got to be kidding me. You are reading waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much into an ad for pool stuff.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
One day, about 30 years ago, my wife and I were shopping in a grocery store. While standing in the check out line, I felt a tug on my sleeve and I looked down into the face of a boy about 8 or 9 years old. He said 'you're a pool player, aren't you? I saw you playing at the Plaza Lanes', (a local bowling alley with a couple of 9 foot Brunswicks.) He continued, 'You're a really good player' he said with a big smile on his face. I thanked him, said goodby, and we left the store. On the way home I said to my wife, I don't remember ever seeing that kid before, but he remembered me. What if I'd been drinking ,smoking, and cussing when he was watching me? What kind of example would I be setting? Ever since that day, I've been very careful about what I do and say. You never know who might be watching you.
The guys that gambled, smoked and cussed were the reason i liked the poolroom. Thought that was their sole reason for being. Poll is slow off the mark, 17 votes total with only three over50's complaining about the ad. Sounds about right.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Lol, but I think there is some truth in what I said
IMO the morals are fine. People my age,63, and older grew up in a time where everything seemed all goodness-n-light but that was all a sham. People have been doing dope, gambling, cheating on their spouse, cussing etc. for EONS. The Ozzie-n-Harriet/Pat Boone/HappyDays days were just a well constructed smokescreen behind which REAL life was happening.

Mr Machine

Well-known member
I’m 67 and see the
IMO the morals are fine. People my age,63, and older grew up in a time where everything seemed all goodness-n-light but that was all a sham. People have been doing dope, gambling, cheating on their spouse, cussing etc. for EONS. The Ozzie-n-Harriet/Pat Boone/HappyDays days were just a well constructed smokescreen behind which REAL life was happening.
I’m 67 and don’t see it as a sham at all.
Then it was considered a moral responsibility not to lower the bar, as Fran so adeptly put it.
There was a moral to the story, good triumphs over evil and sex was implied rather than shown. The romantic kiss and fade to black, all the adults knew and the kids obliviously moved on to the next scene.
Was it real life? No, it was entertainment.
An escape from real life.
My dad came to the US in 1927 as a 19 year old. On his 90th birthday my niece interviewed him and asked what the best part of the boat trip to America was.
He replied “Having enough to eat at every meal. “
They knew about real life. It was all around them.

Like the boiled frog the bar has been gradually moving down to where we are now And it shall continue to go down.

But that’s me.
YMMV & all.
Stephen Covey said that we are shaped by our life experiences.

On a tangent, whenever I hear the phrase “lowering the bar “ I think of this epic speech:


Ghost of OBC

Well-known member
A small compliment of voters for the poll, but sadly I think it does reflect the moral decline in our culture. This is demonstrated in the societal turmoil we are experiencing these days. I believe they go hand in hand.
Sir, we're talking about a pool advertisement. That pocket billiards is a game for hustlers, gamblers, rouges, and degenerates is a cliche as old as the country. A little corse language in a pool ad isn't a sign of anything.

If anything your surprise is indicative of how suffocatingly puritanical our society has become.