Ever Miss An Easy Shot

Ak Guy

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Heck ya

I have missed many, but one will always stand out.

I am playin in a 9 Ball tournament and my opponent made the 9 and scratched.
I spot the 9 and sat the cue ball about a foot away from it and missed the corner shot by about 2 inches.

I doubt I will ever for get it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I remember having a sweat bet on an Efren and Earl match back in their heydays. I gave up a game on the wire going to 11 on Efren. He was on the hill and had an easy 8 ball and the 9 was in the middle of the table. I was dancing and the guy I was betting was crying behind me. Possibly the greatest player in history decided to use inside English and missed the 8 ball :eek: Still remember it like it was yesterday even though it was 20 years ago.

As a side note, what happened to Efren happens to me sometimes. If you have tricky cue ball position and an easy shot, is a recipe for an easy miss. I'll take my focus off the object ball and concentrate on the cue ball only to miss the easy shot.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Great video to save and watch again if or rather when you're going thru a rough patch. When I see Efren miss a layup I realize sh*t happens to everyone.

That's why I posted it. We all do stupid things at the table every so often and so do the pros.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
That's why I posted it. We all do stupid things at the table every so often and so do the pros.

That video has been up for 6 years and this is the first time I recall it being posted. I never saw it before.

JB Cases

Silver Member
We've all missed easy shots for one reason or another. Open table and we lose concentration and step on our own d*cks somewhere during the out. Well don't feel bad. Happens to all players at some time.


A lot of those shots missed in that montage were not easy.

But the thought is right....even the pros miss easy shots sometimes. I have seen them miss two foot hangers.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Playing a hill-hill league match on Thursday, ball in hand and I intend to draw back 8-10 inches or so to break up a cluster...

Naturally I launch the cue ball off the table and into the spectators.

Several times I've tried to put draw on a straight in shot to the corner and instead jumped over the object ball and straight into the pocket for the scratch. Don't recall for sure, but I've probably done this at least once from ball in hand.


recreational banger
Silver Member
Whick brings up something that too often happens to me...I sink a difficult shot, get great shape for an easy shot on the next ball...and miss!

What the hell is the psychology behind that????