I believe the IPT website has mistakenly listed 4:30 pm EST for the
Mika/Neils match, and it should be 3:30 pm EST, which would be the
normal 12:30 pm match time in Reno.
If your video is jerky, just right click, and go to settings, and adjust the setting for storage on local drives to a higher amount, default is 100k. I
raised mine to 10 mb. That should provide a smoother flow.
Nothing happened they didn't stream the match. Didn't even show another match in its place, so must be having technical difficulties. Pretty disappointed as this is the only match i was really interested in today. Not to mention I took a lunch break to watch the match. lol. I don't mind paying for it, as long as it works, but perhaps they should have waited till November as planned in oreder to work out the bugs.