Help…in search of the oldest cue I can get


Well-known member
With that said it must be a two piece like a chicken dinner.

It seems like Brunswick is the way. Original Hoppe ring?

Anyways I know I can hit the vintage market but any antique cues? Anything over 100 years old. So 1924 or earlier. Are there two pieces in the 20’s?

What should man be looking at?


Well-known member
You want to get you one of these beauts Clark...

Albert Pick & Co.


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Well-known member
I am inspired by a thread in a group that I belong to. I like to collect fedoras. Especially one in the 30’s and 40’s. I have a bunch from the 50’s.

Anyways, it was who owns the oldest hat. A guy has two fur felt hats from Germany dating back to 1890’s.


Nudge is as good as a wink to a blind bat.
Gold Member
Silver Member
I posted this fellows site before. He has a hell of a collection, and one of the best write ups on bruswick history. I dont know if he is selling any though. He use to post on azb a long time ago, before my time. I chatted with him in email to get his take on some old brunswicks in the last few years, he knows his stuff. Might be worth reaching out to him. His site is worth checking out.
