Highest Concentration of 'Good' Players in the U.S.


"Time to GET BUSY...."
Silver Member
Right now, I don't think anyone can argue the Greenville area. Larry Nevel, Shannon Daulton, Gabe Owen, Earl Strickland, Tony Watson, Mike Gulyassy, Brian White, Scott Rayburn, Josch Roberts, I would name more, butmy fingers are getting tired. God help anyone if they count N.C. and or GA in that area as well-Matt

Craig Fales

Registered bubinga user
Silver Member
I would have to say the central east coast of Florida is a mecca of action and strong players...then I'd say Georgia...


Cell - 937-554-5637
Silver Member
JAM said:
Highest concentration of good players? I'd have to go with Florida in first place, Texas in second, and Ohio would be my pick for third.


good pick JAM,everybody knows about putnam and miller but we got a few secret weapons hanging around the dayton cinci area,and mcinnich still hits em good up in toledo:D


Cell - 937-554-5637
Silver Member
dimes33 said:
thats about 1/2 of the great players from those 3 states but yea ive heard the boys from sc say that they will play a 6 man team against another 6 man team from any state!

to bad gary speath ain't around know more,his team with jason miller,frank ruby,bucky bell,rick garrison and ricky corelle tortured them boys from SC,they won 6 world championships,know one else is even close!

art-----> used to live in myrtle beach for ten years


Silver Member
A long time ago, in a galaxy, far, far, away.....

A long time ago, I covered the lower 48 states over a two year period as a road player.

The toughest action was a toss up between Cali. (LA to Frisco), Ohio to Pennslyvania and the Carolinas to Georgia.

The boys from the Carolinas and Georgia were the easiest to gamble with as far as negotiations. Just put your money up and let's play.

The hardest to negotiate with were the boys from NY and Jersey. It was like pulling teeth to get them to the table but once you did, they would play forever.

Also, in the mid west, Chicago and St. Louis had great tough action.

Like I said, that was a long time ago and things have surely changed.



Silver Member

Don't get much past the midwest in my travels - but in the areas out here in the west where I do go, I see a lot of very, very good players concentrated in Tulsa and Oklahoma City.

Las Vegas and Phoenix/Tucson also have more than their share of straight shooters.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm sorry..I have not seen action outside of here... but from what I have seen I can tell you that UTAH (Yes we do have bars, yes we do have 3.2 beer :eek: ) Is NOT it! :D but hey we have some places up north that are picking up!
;) :D


Silver Member
PickPocket said:
I'm sorry..I have not seen action outside of here... but from what I have seen I can tell you that UTAH (Yes we do have bars, yes we do have 3.2 beer :eek: ) Is NOT it! :D but hey we have some places up north that are picking up!
;) :D

I beg to differ;) !

Don't know your definition of "action" but Utah has some very strong players.

1 Pocket Player, PoolFiend, ShaneS & a few others post on this forum and know how to make a ball or two.

Last time I checked Mr. Tadd is in SLC and so is Damian P.

turbo billards

i call it the octagon
Silver Member

oklahoma is is pretty strong....just so many strong players from around there and around the midwest


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I'm kinda surprised nobody has mentioned tennessee... i'm not gonna name any names but jeez there are some really good players there... although no world beaters (YET) memphis, nashville, (cookeville), chattanooga and knoxville and everywhere in between the average players are well above average i'd say.

Jack Madden

John Madden Cues
Silver Member
PickPocket said:
I'm sorry..I have not seen action outside of here... but from what I have seen I can tell you that UTAH (Yes we do have bars, yes we do have 3.2 beer :eek: ) Is NOT it! :D but hey we have some places up north that are picking up!
;) :D

Yep, north of Utah is a little ole town called Great Falls, MT. I have been told by the owner of the busiest room in town (pros show up for his $$ added tournaments) that Great Falls has more league players PER CAPITA than any area in the US. That is definately a concentration:D of players.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
SirBanksALot said:
I beg to differ;) !

Don't know your definition of "action" but Utah has some very strong players.

1 Pocket Player, PoolFiend, ShaneS & a few others post on this forum and know how to make a ball or two.

Last time I checked Mr. Tadd is in SLC and so is Damian P.

Let me rephrase that...I'm aware of the players here, just saying were not really on the map of things. If you want the big tourneys and stuff we have some traveling to do, we do not host often. thats all.

Damian is an AMAZING PLAYER! I Agree! :)

Jack Madden

John Madden Cues
Silver Member
PickPocket said:
Let me rephrase that...I'm aware of the players here, just saying were not really on the map of things. If you want the big tourneys and stuff we have some traveling to do, we do not host often. thats all.

Damian is an AMAZING PLAYER! I Agree! :)

So where do you travel to --- north to MT (see several UT players on the rosters) or down to Phx or CA?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Jack Madden said:
So where do you travel to --- north to MT (see several UT players on the rosters) or down to Phx or CA?
I can't speak for pickpocket but I usually play in Idaho, Colorado, Nevada, Washington, Michigan, Florida, & Massachusetts (I have some family back east)... I haven't gone to the tournaments in Montana because I don't like to play on bar boxes...



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Jack Madden said:
So where do you travel to --- north to MT (see several UT players on the rosters) or down to Phx or CA?

The people I know usually go to Idaho or Nevada. sounds like 1-Pocket does the same.


1hole anyone?
Silver Member
SirBanksALot said:
I beg to differ;) !

Don't know your definition of "action" but Utah has some very strong players.

1 Pocket Player, PoolFiend, ShaneS & a few others post on this forum and know how to make a ball or two.

Last time I checked Mr. Tadd is in SLC and so is Damian P.

What about Ace Brown in Ogden!??
Hell his wife could beat 95% of Wyoming and Montana,too!

I'd have to go with Oklahoma and California first
Then North Carolina and Florida or maybe Georgia
Probably followed by Nevada or Missouri
Colorado has had a pretty good population of top notch players,too...........
Outside of these states, I'm sure there are alot of great players, but they seem to have the highest concentrations of top guns in these areas.
Washington doesn't slack off too much either from what I can tell. ( Of course what else do you do when it rains all the damn time!)
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Cuephoric said:
What about Ace Brown in Ogden!??
Hell his wife could beat 95% of Wyoming and Montana,too!
Yeah Ace hits them pretty sporty. He's a hell of a nice guy to boot. When I was young and learning the game he would always look after and encourage me. I always appreciated it.

Tommy Baker plays very good too. Although he doesn't play very much lately...

Come to think of it Ace, Damian, & Tommy have always been encouraging/helping my game. So if any of you guys are reading this I just want to say thanks for a putting up with a banger like me...
