Home table guys, how much do you practice a week?

Practice time per week

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
last year or so about 10 minutes a week if that.

just no motivation to practice and only play once a week at best.


Loose Rack
Silver Member
I have a home table first and foremost to have a nice table in a nice setting to play with friends, an alternative to a bad table with a bunch of meatheads lining their quarters up.

I practice (or just play alone is maybe more accurate) when the mood strikes. Lately a half hour or so every few days. It's still a half hour more than if I didn't have a home table so to me it's absolutely worth having the option. A half hour of play at a hall or bar could kill 3 hours all told so it would never happen.

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Cadillac J

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Depends on my mood and energy level, but on average I would say 2-3 hour sessions about five days per week.

I never actually 'practice'...will just grab a cue and start playing 9-, 10- or 12-ball. Because I like to use and rotate between cues, what I love doing is cue vs cue battle (first to win 3 games). When done, grab 2 new cues and do it again--it really is the only way I can feel somewhat competitive while by myself.

Chili Palmer

Give or take an 1"
Silver Member
I selected 5-10 hours and of that I would say approximately 2 is dedicated practice i.e. setup and run drills. Practice with follow and draw, etc. Mainly, I just throw 9B out there and play hero ball - that's where I will usually hit the CB firm and will sometimes try stupid shots (aka hero shots) just to get practice at random stuff. It's like when I taught my kids how to drive, took them to a big parking lot in the snow and said "now do some cookies", unless I try that 5 railer I'll never know how it feels.

Usually after hero ball I will try to slow down a bit and focus for a few games.

That being said, I've found a flaw I need to work so off to study stances.

strmanglr scott

All about Focus
Silver Member
During prime trout season, not enough. I didn't pick up my cue from March until June 1, as I was spending all of my free time, wading fishing creeks.


If I have a big event coming up I will put in 2-3 weeks of practice, with 2-3 30 minute sessions @ night.

During the weekend 3 hours a day. (again if I am not fishing)

Someone with my same mentality. Rather chase trout than a cue ball any day of the week. This time of year is when I start to return to the table. I'll play more in the next 6-7 weeks than usual. Then the salmon will show up and I won't get going on the table again until October.

So, when the fishing isn't going, I'm playing 10-15 and sometimes around 20 when it gets cold and I'm playing league.

strmanglr scott

All about Focus
Silver Member
I selected 5-10 hours and of that I would say approximately 2 is dedicated practice i.e. setup and run drills. Practice with follow and draw, etc. Mainly, I just throw 9B out there and play hero ball - that's where I will usually hit the CB firm and will sometimes try stupid shots (aka hero shots) just to get practice at random stuff. It's like when I taught my kids how to drive, took them to a big parking lot in the snow and said "now do some cookies", unless I try that 5 railer I'll never know how it feels.

Usually after hero ball I will try to slow down a bit and focus for a few games.

That being said, I've found a flaw I need to work so off to study stances.

Oh, I see. Smh, lol. No wonder you like trolling so much, something you're actually good at.

Hey, maybe watch some trick shots, cause those guys are the real masters of the game. :rolleyes: You can set up those instant in shots and look so great.

Chili Palmer

Give or take an 1"
Silver Member
Oh, I see. Smh, lol. No wonder you like trolling so much, something you're actually good at.

Hey, maybe watch some trick shots, cause those guys are the real masters of the game. :rolleyes: You can set up those instant in shots and look so great.

You about done trolling me in the main forum and screwing up other people's threads?

Want to go play in NPR then put your big boy pants on and let's go.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Lol! I started a thread before I bought the table to get feedback and one guy Said they had one at his senior center or somewhere but he complained that he would get bruising around his thighs from bumping into the corners.

I really wanted the drop pockets and the look of the table so I bravely ordered it and have never once felt any pain anywhere on my body from the corners.

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I love that table and choice of stain. Nice!! Care to weigh in on pros and
cons of it... offline if you want. Probably one of my top contenders if/when
I ever move.

As to time on the table...I get my daily dose of just working the puzzles on
the felt, until I tire of it...however long that may take. Occasionally I'll get a
drill stuck in my head and work on it for hours/days/weeks :eek:



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm all over the place. I usually hit some balls every day, but I probably only play for an hour or more once or twice a week. Most days it's a quick 5-10 minutes. Probably why I won't get above a 600 Fargo rating. :grin-square:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Same reality for me. Table and balls are better than what is out there.

And there is only one asshole in my home pool room, but he's got perfect beer and tunes.

I have a home table first and foremost to have a nice table in a nice setting to play with friends, an alternative to a bad table with a bunch of meatheads lining their quarters up.

I practice (or just play alone is maybe more accurate) when the mood strikes. Lately a half hour or so every few days. It's still a half hour more than if I didn't have a home table so to me it's absolutely worth having the option. A half hour of play at a hall or bar could kill 3 hours all told so it would never happen.

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Retired. So I play by myself about 2 hrs. every day. But I never “practice,” if that involves doing drills and that sort of thing. I just play by myself.

strmanglr scott

All about Focus
Silver Member
I've always felt, if the game is not for money, it's practice.

I'll gladly lose to anyone if it's not for money and I can learn something. In fact, I'd love to have someone beat me for a few hours every week for no money on the game.


I call 'em like I see 'em
Silver Member
My table is in my Garage, and although my garage is insulated it does not have Air Conditioning... and in Indiana right now, it's hotter than blue blazes and the humidity is at about 90%.... So NONE!!

However, when it's comfortable outside, at least 3 - 4 hours a week.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
When i had a 9ft home table i would spend the most time before and after any local match up or tournament. Before, to get loosened up. After, to replay situations i had problems with. So best to combine your home practice with some form of competition. Just playing the ghost over and over is not productive i.m.o. i am assuming you want to improve your game and you dont have unlimited time ie day job
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If I pick up the cue,make a long shot, I'll play from 2 to 5 minutes. If at first I miss that long shot I usually lay the cue down and quit....'til the next time.