Information on a Bob Fry purple heart sneaky pete?


Information needed for a Fry sneaky pete with Hoppe ring. Age of it? How many are around? Value?


I forgot to post a picture of the screw in bumper and was told it's an early example, and Tim Scruggs taught Bob how to craft cues. Tim and Bob were friends and worked together since the early '80's. Thanks!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I own a similar cue from Bob Frye- mine does not have an ivory joint, not sure if yours is ivory. My Frye cue joint is flat faced 3/8 10 with joint collars. I paid $750 about 9 months ago. Mine is perhaps the best hitting cue that I ever owned and I have owned many, many cues and customs over the past 25+ years. My cue also has the same Hoppe style butt sleeve. I believe that my cue was made about 4 years ago - or close to the end of Bob's cue making career--- mint condition
I tend to pay asking price when I see a cue that I know I want for sure; as long as the price seems within a market reasonable range.


I've priced it at $600 plus shipping, I think it's more than a fair price. I don't see any ivory on it,but will check it today for you. Thanks for the information.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've priced it at $600 plus shipping, I think it's more than a fair price. I don't see any ivory on it,but will check it today for you. Thanks for the information.
Well you should sell it immediately at that price - my Frye is MacassR Ebony - a bit upscale from Your Purpleheart - but at $600 your cue should play as well as any cue available based on my experience with my Frye cue - I have owned a few Scruggs in my time - this plays better IMO - the new owner will love it - I use the standard Frye wood shaft on it. Frye may have made my older Scruggs SP but I like my Frye even more!!


Just found out the joint is ivory but the ferrule and Hoppe ring are not. I believe this puts the age of it as pre 1996 I think. I can't believe how clean this cue is,Mike! It's on ebay with an offer of $650 as of this morning. But I'd rather have a member here get it,we will see. Thanks for your help Mike.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
kinda odd that Bob would put an Ivory joint on a sneaky pete, could it be imitation ivory like Elforyn?
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I checked the cue with my blacklight the joint has minimal graining but pink streaks of pink. I've seen that before on high end early cues. But I'm not an expert on ivory, 4 sure.


kinda odd that Bob would put an Ivory joint on a sneaky pete, could it be imitation ivory like Elforyn?
I do know that the brand mark between the points and the screw in rubber bumper are proof that it's an early production cue.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It is actually spelled Frey - so you may want to fix your eBay listing for people ‘s search purposes — I told you that $600 was a cake walk on this cue - my Frey does not have the screwed in butt cap - mine is much more recent - I see you getting above your $650 offer easily as well Good Luck!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My Scruggs SP - probably made by Frey was this style SP and it did have an ivory joint like this cue posted here.

Tims SP was made by Frey, Tim emailed me that Bob makes the SP. They buy Valley Forge cues, cut it half and install a shaft


Cue Author...Sometimes
Silver Member
Agreed, some folks use the term "Fancy SP' but I would side with you and say that it should just be called a full splice Frey cue.
Normally, we're just being a little snooty, pedantic and uber traditionalist. But in this case with Bob Frey, I definitely think we need to keep the definitions clear and separate between his well-known Sneaky Pete/Hustler cue and a custom full-splice cue / conversion.