Jim Murnak Is Adding Another Case To The Prizes.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Last 3 days

It is coming down to the last three days. I will be posting the 7th question tonight.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I still can't view the video. I guess I have no shot. Sucks because I think your cases are the best.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Seventh Question

Seventh question posted.

The last three questions will be posted on Saturday at 3:00 in the afternoon Eastern time. Be ready!!! Then anyone who has bought her video will be included in the drawing for the other prizes after 12:00 midnight.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Last day

The 2x4 black and silver case will go to the first person who posts all ten questions with the right answers in order. The last three questions will be posted in the main post at exactly 3:00 in the afternoon eastern time on Saturday.

The rest of the prizes which includes another 2x4 black and silver case will be drawn from all of the people who have bought Borana's video. The winners will be contacted early next week.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
good luck

good luck, The winner will be the first to reply with the right answers.


Honestly, I'm a liar.
Silver Member
1. Albania
2. pink
3. bustamante
4. finance
5. gail glazebrook
6. tri-state tour, predator tour
7. lambros
8. math
9. can of soda
10. castle billiards


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
cleary said:
1. Albania
2. pink
3. bustamante
4. finance
5. gail glazebrook
6. tri-state tour, predator tour
7. lambros
8. math
9. can of soda
10. castle billiards

Good job Cleary.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Drawing after 12:00 tonight.

Everyone who has bought Borana's video up until 12:00 midnight tonight eastern time will be eligible for the drawing for the other prizes.


New member
QUESTION ONE: What country did Borana come from?Albania
QUESTION TWO: As the photos are first being taken, what color blouse is Borana
wearing? Blue
QUESTION THREE: In the video, who does Borana say is her favorite player?Francisco Bastamante
QUESTION FOUR: What was Borana's major in College? Finance
QUESTION FIVE: Who is the interviewer of record on the video?Gail Glazebrook
QUESTION SIX: Name two of the three tournament tours that Borana was playing in at the time of the video.Predator Tour and the TriState Tour.
QUESTION SEVEN: What cue does Borana use?Lambros
QUESTION EIGHT: What was Borana's minor in college?Mathematics
QUESTION NINE: What is Borana holding when she is looking at the computer?Soda
QUESTION TEN: What is the name of the pool hall where Borana signed her first autograph?Comet Billiards


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
walbay29 said:
QUESTION ONE: What country did Borana come from?Albania
QUESTION TWO: As the photos are first being taken, what color blouse is Borana
wearing? Blue
QUESTION THREE: In the video, who does Borana say is her favorite player?Francisco Bastamante
QUESTION FOUR: What was Borana's major in College? Finance
QUESTION FIVE: Who is the interviewer of record on the video?Gail Glazebrook
QUESTION SIX: Name two of the three tournament tours that Borana was playing in at the time of the video.Predator Tour and the TriState Tour.
QUESTION SEVEN: What cue does Borana use?Lambros
QUESTION EIGHT: What was Borana's minor in college?Mathematics
QUESTION NINE: What is Borana holding when she is looking at the computer?Soda
QUESTION TEN: What is the name of the pool hall where Borana signed her first autograph?Comet Billiards

You missed two.