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  • Andrew, Bees lighting also offers a 1x4 winged led light, it's brighter than the 2x4 panels so i'm going to order two 1x4's, there's a 8 week back up on delivery. Thanks for your concern for my request.

    Bill Incardona
    I've seen your vast list of cues you've owned, as well as sold, so I figured you would be a good, fairly unbiased person to ask this. I'm looking to possibly have someone make me a cue, and this would be my first custom request. I don't want to break the bank, and looking more for play than show, would you have any suggestions? So you know what I have played with, as far as production lines I've used players, viking, poison, pred, Adams, and lucasi hybrid. I've also had both Scruggs and Philippi sneaky petes. Always preferred steel joint hit, but would be open to suggestions. I understand if you don't have the time to look at this, but figured I'd try.
    Hi Cleary, I was wondering if you could send me a link to your voodoo aiming video. I posted in your last thread about the PDF but nobody replied with the link.

    Thank you!
    Andrew, Time for another Big Tony. looking forward to it.You should try to pitch something like it to one of the networks or a cable station.
    het cleary, its your soon to be where are u flying in from tomm? my flight gets in at 11:30, is beav still picking you up? message me your phone number so we can hitch a ride, or split a cab.
    joey 219-808-9847
    Hey Andrew,
    Received the cue today and it looks great. I can't wait to play with it here in a few hours. Thanks for the quick shipping and it was great dealing with you.
    i was born into lower lower middle class, my dad worked for minimun wage until I was 9 i could all mistakes him and mom made, they struggled, my dads best year ever was 50K in 87 I think, 20-30 was average. I was a prodgedy at biz legal and illegal, just like some pool players who play lites out at 14 years old. I have went bust a couple times, been in the $$ a couple times. It dosent define who I am or how I treat people I aint no different or special cause I made some extra $$$, I know a fw people on the forbes 400, some are asses and others cool. i just get pissed when people who dont know me throw stones I came up hard real hard
    i have no beef with you, i'm just having a hard time, not the first time-hopefully the last. i like your posts and know your smart and will take what you said to heart.

    Hey man, I go to the Corkscrew all the time!? We possibly have met haha.. my names Angel, what's yours?
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