Joss rear extension - best options?

Chili Palmer

Give or take an 1"
Silver Member
A buddy has asked me to make an extension for his Joss. The bore in the butt is around .60 and goes down about .40 inches before the threads start. The threads appear to be 1/2" x 13, I didn't have the metric equivalent to check so it's possible it could be a 14mm x 2mm but doubtful.

I've been looking at the extension kits on and think the R9 (link below) would be perfect as the wide bottom end is .59 so it should fit perfect except my threaded bore is larger so one option is to put a core in. So I guess I have two questions?

Anyone have other ideas? Core the very end and use one of those snooker quick release kits? I saw a few threads about them but nothing recently so I figured that fad went by the wayside?


Is the best option the R9 kit from prather? And if so, what would you core it with? The butt currently weigh's 16.3oz and he would like to add as little weight as possible.


Coos Cues
The bumper kit you show from prather is very nice but it's meant to be indented into the butt cap some. I use the r6 a lot and indent my butt cap .160" for a nice look and fit of the bumper. I would be hesitant to modify the cue that much. I have made many extensions using this setup

You would have to plug the existing 1/2 hole with some kind of wood to redrill and tap for the threads but the insert only weighs 1/20th of an ounce. You only need an extension to catch about 5-6 threads in the insert. The tricky part is boring a nice hole in the rubber bumper. Use a scrap of wood and bore a hole in the end so you can insert the bumper into like the end like it goes into the cue and put it in your lathe then cut a 3/8 hole with an end mill going slowly for the pin to go through. Make the hole tight to the bumper fits snugly. A drill bit will mangle the bumper.

Chili Palmer

Give or take an 1"
Silver Member
The bumper kit you show from prather is very nice but it's meant to be indented into the butt cap some. I use the r6 a lot and indent my butt cap .160" for a nice look and fit of the bumper. I would be hesitant to modify the cue that much. I have made many extensions using this setup

You would have to plug the existing 1/2 hole with some kind of wood to redrill and tap for the threads but the insert only weighs 1/20th of an ounce. You only need an extension to catch about 5-6 threads in the insert. The tricky part is boring a nice hole in the rubber bumper. Use a scrap of wood and bore a hole in the end so you can insert the bumper into like the end like it goes into the cue and put it in your lathe then cut a 3/8 hole with an end mill going slowly for the pin to go through. Make the hole tight to the bumper fits snugly. A drill bit will mangle the bumper.

Thanks, I'll check those out. The hole at the very end is actually .6" and about .4" deep then it necks down to the 1/2 x 13 threaded portion. So if I went with this route I would need to fill the .6 and part of the threaded, which isn't an issue, just thinking out loud. I'll have to calculate how much the plug wood would weigh to see how much total weight I would gain.

After thinking about it for 30 more seconds, you're saying only fill the 1/2 x 13 hole so the brass insert is flush with the top of those threads then put the hole in the bumper.

Chili Palmer

Give or take an 1"
Silver Member
And side bar - does anyone know what materials are used in those rings? I think I'll try to make some rings to match for the extension. I'm not at a place with my CNC to try the inlays yet.

I'll try to get better pictures.

Chili Palmer

Give or take an 1"
Silver Member
I also received a link (thanks Kim) for this product and it seems it would work perfect as it's already 1/2 x 13. What I don't know is how big the bumper is, does the bumper come off? How deep is the bumper - I'm curious if it's deep enough to still give protection to the bottom of the cue? If it's the old style in their link (which it should be) it says the bumper is only .5" deep, but the hole I have is .4" deep so I'm not sure if that .1" will be enough to protect the end of the cue?


Chili Palmer

Give or take an 1"
Silver Member
I also received a message about TNS cues (thanks Landlover) so I'll be looking into that but his website appears to be down so I'll have to touch base with him via FB.


Coos Cues
I also received a link (thanks Kim) for this product and it seems it would work perfect as it's already 1/2 x 13. What I don't know is how big the bumper is, does the bumper come off? How deep is the bumper - I'm curious if it's deep enough to still give protection to the bottom of the cue? If it's the old style in their link (which it should be) it says the bumper is only .5" deep, but the hole I have is .4" deep so I'm not sure if that .1" will be enough to protect the end of the cue?

That one will work but you will need to bore the end of the cue to 1 inch about 160 thou deep for the bumper to fit and look right. Those bumpers are one inch diameter. In which case you would have about a quarter inch of dead air under it. Which would cut down on how many of the 12 inch threads engage the bumper shaft. Not ideal.

If I were putting an extension on this cue I would build a threaded plug and fill the whole end flush and start fresh with the extension bumper kit of your choice. I would use an R6.

Chili Palmer

Give or take an 1"
Silver Member
That one will work but you will need to bore the end of the cue to 1 inch about 160 thou deep for the bumper to fit and look right. Those bumpers are one inch diameter. In which case you would have about a quarter inch of dead air under it. Which would cut down on how many of the 12 inch threads engage the bumper shaft. Not ideal.

If I were putting an extension on this cue I would build a threaded plug and fill the whole end flush and start fresh with the extension bumper kit of your choice. I would use an R6.

I'm assuming you're talking about the short one and not the 2.5" one. If so, that's the one I originally looked at and was thinking about getting but I wasn't sure how easily the R9 would fit. You mention the R9 is about 1" but the picture on their site says .59? If it's truly 1" then yeah, I'd be better off with the R9 for weight savings but if it's .59 then I would only need to plug the 1/2" x 13 portion of the butt and rethread for 3/8 x 16.

The Unique product seems like it would just screw right in but would be too deep, how about adding a spacer below it to prevent it from going too deep? Just thinking out loud.


Kim Bye

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've retrofitted these extension more times than I can count. Machine a piece of canvas phenolic. Thread it 1/2-13 ID and cut whatever threads you like on the O.D, leave the tiniest gap, so you have room to match the 1/2-13 thats allready in the cue with the 1/2-13 plug you made. Glue in, but make sure you dont use too much epoxy, so you dont have to spend time cleaning up the threads.
Widen the bumper recess to 1" and about .160"-.200" deep.


Silver Member
I've retrofitted these extension more times than I can count. Machine a piece of canvas phenolic. Thread it 1/2-13 ID and cut whatever threads you like on the O.D, leave the tiniest gap, so you have room to match the 1/2-13 thats allready in the cue with the 1/2-13 plug you made. Glue in, but make sure you dont use too much epoxy, so you dont have to spend time cleaning up the threads.
Widen the bumper recess to 1" and about .160"-.200" deep.
First, I would do the Unique setup on this cue, as You or someone else may need to get access to the weight bolt later, so plugging and tapping for smaller threads or an insert would prevent that access. Second...Kim, was thinking the same, How do you align the threads? What I have done, once, was make the plug, with only the correct size hole in it, then put a tap into the cue butt until only the shank was exposed, then glued the plug in, then once it was dried....(had to apply some heat to loosen the tap from the squeezed glue) I uncrewed the tap, and it cut the threads as I unscrewed it. They were a bit rough, but it worked well. But, I used a maple plug, not phenolic. Always looking for a better way

Kim Bye

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've retrofitted these extension more times than I can count. Machine a piece of canvas phenolic. Thread it 1/2-13 ID and cut whatever threads you like on the O.D, leave the tiniest gap, so you have room to match the 1/2-13 thats allready in the cue with the 1/2-13 plug you made. Glue in, but make sure you dont use too much epoxy, so you dont have to spend time cleaning up the threads.
Widen the bumper recess to 1" and about .160"-.200" deep.
First, I would do the Unique setup on this cue, as You or someone else may need to get access to the weight bolt later, so plugging and tapping for smaller threads or an insert would prevent that access. Second...Kim, was thinking the same, How do you align the threads? What I have done, once, was make the plug, with only the correct size hole in it, then put a tap into the cue butt until only the shank was exposed, then glued the plug in, then once it was dried....(had to apply some heat to loosen the tap from the squeezed glue) I uncrewed the tap, and it cut the threads as I unscrewed it. They were a bit rough, but it worked well. But, I used a maple plug, not phenolic. Always looking for a better way
I skrew the new canvas phenolic plug on to a long 3/8-13 weight bolt. Screw in the plug, then check if the thread matches up, if not I just tweak the length of the plug ever so slightly, until it fits. Epoxy in place and run a tap through after the epoxy has cured, so weight bolts can be used. It's a bit of tinkering, but works well.

Kim Bye

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
And side bar - does anyone know what materials are used in those rings? I think I'll try to make some rings to match for the extension. I'm not at a place with my CNC to try the inlays yet.

I'll try to get better pictures.
I think Juma will match up quite well.

Michael Webb

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
A buddy has asked me to make an extension for his Joss. The bore in the butt is around .60 and goes down about .40 inches before the threads start. The threads appear to be 1/2" x 13, I didn't have the metric equivalent to check so it's possible it could be a 14mm x 2mm but doubtful.

I've been looking at the extension kits on and think the R9 (link below) would be perfect as the wide bottom end is .59 so it should fit perfect except my threaded bore is larger so one option is to put a core in. So I guess I have two questions?

Anyone have other ideas? Core the very end and use one of those snooker quick release kits? I saw a few threads about them but nothing recently so I figured that fad went by the wayside?


Is the best option the R9 kit from prather? And if so, what would you core it with? The butt currently weigh's 16.3oz and he would like to add as little weight as possible.

A buddy has asked me to make an extension for his Joss. The bore in the butt is around .60 and goes down about .40 inches before the threads start. The threads appear to be 1/2" x 13, I didn't have the metric equivalent to check so it's possible it could be a 14mm x 2mm but doubtful.

I've been looking at the extension kits on and think the R9 (link below) would be perfect as the wide bottom end is .59 so it should fit perfect except my threaded bore is larger so one option is to put a core in. So I guess I have two questions?

Anyone have other ideas? Core the very end and use one of those snooker quick release kits? I saw a few threads about them but nothing recently so I figured that fad went by the wayside?


Is the best option the R9 kit from prather? And if so, what would you core it with? The butt currently weigh's 16.3oz and he would like to add as little weight as possible. attachment 584209View attachment 584210View attachment 584211
Hi Chili
The back of that Joss does not look like a normal set up for a Joss cue. The bumper is usually threaded 1/2x13 and sits flush against the bottom of the butt.
But anyways, if he wants to keep the weight down, I'm guessing he wants to play with the extensiin on all the time. you could make the screw on the extension out of phenolic. Plus if the butt weight is already 16.3 oz, I wouldn't be surprised if it has a weight bolt inside there.
Example of one I did for a Meucci with a phenolic screw.
Hope this helps.


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