Lots can be read into what someone writes. As I've learned over the years it's quite simple to do such a thing. It isn't hard to see that there was a slight bit of rudeness. The fact that the search function was mentioned twice is a clear indication that they assume I just don't know what to do and with you jumping to the defense it now makes it easier for them to just say yeah sure i wasnt being rude. However, I propose all sillyness be set aside because in all honestly who really needs the dumbness. I gladly apologize if I am perhaps wrong.
Addressing your other part of the reply, I was just mentioning that I'd heard some insights about Lomax and the Mezz jump cues. Asking who or what is the best is a lesson I learned at a very young age when asking which football team is the best. I would love to think that the possible next jump cue I purchase is going to be way better than the buffalo bills. Hehehe.
Again my apologies for my possible assumptions or conclusion jumping that may have occurred.
The highlighted bit says it all.
Unfortunately, there isn't a really good way to convey "attitude" or "inflection" via the written word... especially when you are dealing with emails, text messages and forum posts (books are a bit different, because the author can describe a character's mindset). Therefore, we have to remember to read the words... nothing more. Once people start reading
into the words, things start being misinterpreted. I read that post as an attempt to be helpful, as well.
As for the jump cue... I just got a Lomax a couple weeks ago. I've tried quite a few jump cues, but nothing gets the cue ball airborne faster than the Lomax. I've also gained control, as I am able to put more spin on the ball with the Lomax. That is probably due to a difference in tips from my old jumper (had a 1 piece phenolic tip/ferule as opposed to the Lomax which, I think, has a G10 tip), but it's a difference none the less.
Good luck on your search!