Korean 9 ball rules
I learned how to play '9 ball' from the Korean owner of the local pool hall. I usually go there to play 3 cushion on the 10' Horemans table, but on occasion we get a '9 ball' game going with the owner.
This is a gambling ring game. I believe you can play with up to 6 players total, but the most I have played with is 4 total. We play on the 8 foot carom table. The rules are many, and difficult to explain, but i'll try my best.
2 white cue balls (one marked with black dot)
2 red balls
2 yellow balls
2 blue balls
1 black ball of doom
6 cards - marked from zero to five. (we use asian playing cards, but you could substitute)
A billiard score counter with multiple player rows
Opening Setup:
All balls are placed along the lengthwise center line.
The black ball is placed in the center of the table on top of a pool cue ferrule that has been fashioned into a stand. The ferrule is about an inch high. The blue balls are placed on either side of the black ball, along the center line. Next come the yellow balls, then reds. One white cue ball (no dot) is placed against the midpoint of the foot rail. The other cue ball (dot) is placed temporarily against the midpoint of the head rail. All the balls should be evenly spaced: white-red-yellow-blue-black-blue-yellow-red-white.
The cards are then shuffled. For every player in the game, 'deal' out a card and place facedown under successive diamonds along one of the long rails. (The asian cards are small enough not to protrude past the rail.) Above diagram shows cards for 3 player game. 1st players card is at 1st diamond, etc. The remaining cards are placed in a line along the short rail.
Next, you would establish the play order and any handicaps. We usually play short games to 39 points. If there is a player who is not as good as the others, you could give them a 29 point target and the initial break shot. Or maybe give the 'ringer' a target of 69. Rockpaperscissors or coin flips for remaining play order. Target scores are marked on the scoreboard so that points scored are subtracted from one's total.
The break: Always black dot cue ball--anywhere in the kitchen. Must make first contact with the other white cue ball at the foot spot. If a scoring carom is made then player shoots again. Otherwise play continues to next player, alternating cue balls. Typical play is to thin hit the white and have the cue ball come off the rail back into the nearest red for 2 points.
Points are made by making carom billiards like in straightrail. Player remains at the table until he fails to score a billiard, or 'dies' by knocking over the black or by other foul. It is useful for the other players to keep track of the shooting players points while he is at the table. The point values are as follows:
red+white = 2 points
red+red = 3 points
red+red+white = 5 points
yellow+yellow = 5 points
blue+blue = 10 points
If the cue ball comes into contact with any other ball outside the above combinations, then no points are scored and it becomes the next persons turn. For example:
Player caroms off the other white into one of the reds, for two points--However, after making contact with the red, the cue ball hits a yellow. This nullifies the scoring billiard, no points are scored, and the next player is up.
The cards are a way to obscure the winning out of each player from the others. When a player reaches 15 points remaining, he may look at his own card. He then subtracts the card value from his point total for his true winning 'out'. Players must land exactly on zero to win.
Player scores a red+red carom for 3 points which takes his total down to 14 points. He then is able to look at his card, which is marked with '4'. He now needs exactly ten points to win. Lucky for him, he has an easy shot on the two blues are gathered together in the corner, which he makes and collects his winnings.
Upon reaching zero, the game is over, and the others pay out the agreed upon wager.
If at any point in ones turn, the black ball is knocked over, then that player 'dies' and is out until the next game. The black ball is then reset. If a ball is blocking the black ball area, then the that ball's position is swapped with that of the fallen black ball.
A player also gets 'instant death' when: 1) He commits any touch foul, 2) Fails to make contact with a ball in one's turn, 3) jumps any ball off table, 4) Looks at wrong card, 5) goes past zero or brings himself to 1 point remaining. (1 point remaining is not winnable, since the lowest scoring point value is red-white for two points.), 6) uses the bridge
Players have a one-time option to buy back into the game after 'dying.' The player makes a decision at the beginning of what would have been his turn. If he decides to come back he resets his points to start value. At this point he may also look at his card. He then may look at one of the cards in the 'pot' along the short rail. He picks whichever one he likes better, and discards the other to an area far from other 'pot' cards. We usually play 5 dollar initial buy in, 3 dollar additional to come back after 'dying.'
If a player dies twice, there is no more buy in.
Players can only buy in if there is an available card in the 'pot.'
If you are the only one to not die in a round of play, then you are the automatic winner--there is no buyback for the others.
(We also play that if a player runs out on his first turn, the others pay out initial+buy back amount.)
If at the end of one's turn, any object ball is close enough to the standing black ball so that a ball cannot pass between them, then that object ball is replaced on the opposite side of the table, in its color's starting position. This does not apply to either cue ball.
Also, if cueball is frozen to any other ball, shooter must shoot away from that ball so as not to disturb it.
Winner has the break in the next game. The player who 'died' first is the second shooter. Then next person who died. Then it goes to coinflips.
More or less, thats how we play. I'm not sure if this is how 9ball is played everywhere, but these are our house rules.
Mind your speed, Have fun, and Watch out for that Black Ball :smile: