Landon's last drill before the Open

stan shuffett

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The following is an explanation and the results of Landon Shuffett’s last drill before he leaves for the U.S. Open. Landon was 12 in July and is in 6th grade.

The routine is a variation of a Dominic Esposito Pro Skill Drill.

This is a progressive Ghost-like exercise with a starting goal of running 3 balls 5 times and continuing with 4 balls, 5 balls, 6 balls, 7 balls, 8 balls and eventually running 9 balls 5 times. This is similar to playing the Ghost but after a miss you still run the remaining balls (BIH) but you receive no point for that broken run.

Break 3 balls. Spot all balls pocketed from the break. Balls pocketed on the break may be put on one of the 3 spots: head, center or foot. The goal is to run 3 balls 5 different times after the break. And then move up to 4 balls and eventually progress to 9 balls (hopefully).

When a miss occurs take ball in hand and run the remaining balls. Please keep in mind there’s no reward of a point for a broken run….you just finish that game of 3 balls or 6 balls or whatever you’re on as efficiently as possible and limit your overall misses.

Once you progress to 9 balls the balls pocketed on the break finally stay down. The runs with 8 balls were plenty challenging because balls made on the break come back up to one of the 3 spots of choice.

This drill was done on a 9 ft. Diamond Pro with 5-month old 860 Simonis Cloth and 4.5 corner pockets and new Aramith Balls.

Landon began the drill with a run of 81 balls without a miss. Below are the charted results of the exercise that took 2 hours and 10 minutes.

(3) 3, 3, 3, 3, 3…..15 balls made with no misses
(4) 4, 4, 4, 4, 4…..20 balls made with no misses
(5) 5, 5, 5, 5, 5…..25 balls made with no misses
(6) 6, 6, (4-2), (1-5), (4-1-1), 6, (2-4), 6, 6 54 balls made with 5 misses
(7) 7, 7, (1-6) 7, 7, 7 42 balls made with 1 miss
(8) 8, (4-4), (1-7), 8, (4-4), 8, (5-3), (1-5-2), 8, 8 80 balls with 6 misses
(9) 9, (5-4), (3-1-5), 9, (5-4), (7-2), (5-4), 9, 9, 9 90 balls made with 6 misses

In total Landon pocketed 326 balls with 18 misses. I did not include break shots in the 326. Landon’s speed range on the break was probably 16mph to 23mph with an average of around 20mph.



just another banger
Silver Member
sounds like a good drill i will have to try it sometime (dont expect any numbers as good as landons from me though lol )

best of luck to landon at the open.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Was he running them in order? Or was he just trying to pocket them without missing?

Just curious so I know how to go about that drill.

Oh, and go get them Landin! (Just have fun, I hear that your dad stresses more than you in the tournaments though. LOL)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Good luck at the Open you guys!.....I wish my Dad spent that kind of time with me when I was learning the game. Instead I had a mis spent youth playing pool.....wait, bad analogy. Anyway, HAVE FUN KID!


Jack Justis

Silver Member
Hi Stan,
Glad to see Landon will be playing in the US Open. Unfortunately, we cannot make it this year but look forward seeing you at the DCC in January.

Best of luck to you Landon. With your Dad's coaching and your natural talent, you have a very promising future.

Mike Templeton

Silver Member
Hi Stan,

Wish Landon good luck for me. I miss seeing you guys around Chattanooga. I'm sure I'll be running into you sometime soon.


Zims Rack

Promoting the Cueing Arts
Silver Member
Stan, Great to see you posting! Best of luck to Landon at the Open. I'm looking forward to hearing how he did.

Take care,


Gator Nation
Silver Member
"Landon’s speed range on the break was probably 16mph to 23mph with an average of around 20mph."

Are you sure? That is awefully fast for such a little guy. It looks like he has to shoot side armed to keep his cue level.
If he is smashing it like that, then I can't wait to see him hit them when he gets close to 5'10" and up.

Cameron Smith

is kind of hungry...
Silver Member
I wish the lad the best of luck.

As far as the drill goes, I think the best strategy would be to break soft. The few times I have played bowliards I have always broken soft to leave all of the balls at one end of the table.

stan shuffett

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
To all, thanks and to Progr8 and txplshrk,
Yes, Landon played the balls in order just like the ghost. Mark Wilson recently gunned Landon @ 22/23 and I gun him @ 19 to 23mph.
Check out his breaking motion on the u.s. open forum at his video link entry.

stan shuffett

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Cameron, Landon's break is for actual break practice and to give random spreads.
Poolmoney, We'll see you all next time.
Thanks, Jack and yes we'll see you at DCC.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
stan shuffett said:
Cameron, Landon's break is for actual break practice and to give random spreads.
Poolmoney, We'll see you all next time.
Thanks, Jack and yes we'll see you at DCC.
Hello Stan r u still playing ? last time i seen u it was in Jacksonville Fla.2 years ago.

And yes Stan can play .I saw him beat Tony W the brass rail sometime back..

stan shuffett

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
DS32..Yes, I am playing some but not as much as I had planned. I retired 18 months ago and I am very involved with pool instruction plus I work with Landon every day.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Thanks for your reply Stan,

so how did Landon do at the Open? Sounds like he is becoming one heck of a pool player. He would probably finish me off pretty easy. LOL

You all take care.

stan shuffett

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Txplshark, Landon won 1 match and lost 2. He played very well. Landon wathched a lot of matches. Made new friends. Got some quality break instruction from Charlie Bryant plus an additonal pointer from JR Calvert concerning the break.. The Open is a great event!!!