Leon Sly


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just wanted to take a moment and comment on a couple of cues that I've recently acquired.

First, I got a stained b/e maple with an ebony handle jump/break cue. The jump handle portion is a little longer than typically made in a j/b. At first I was a little skeptic about how well the longer handle would perform. I quickly became a fan of the long handle. The craftsmanship is impeccable. The cue is gorgeous and feels great. I've owned a lot of j/b's. Icebreaker, poison vx, j and j, predator bk and air, and several low end break or jump or jb cues. The Sly is by far my favorite. best looking and performing. I show it off to everybody.

Second, I got an amboyna burl and ebony cue. worth every penny and every minute waited to receive it. If I never hit a ball with it, it would still be a great cue to hang on a wall. But, it hits all too well to not hit balls with it. I am a predator shaft fan so until i get a shaft for it, it won't be used much in actual match play. But believe me, I have every intention of putting a shaft on it. The woods that Leon selected are beautiful and I can always trust that Leon takes good care of his customers in selections of woods used and the layout in which he puts his cues together.

I'm sold...I'm a Sly fan.


Silver Member
I know what your saying, I seen Leons cue's on here , and I heard they played good so I dicided to have him make one for me, but before that one was even finished I won one in a raffle, but it was a fancy SP. I like players, but I to am so satisfied with the cue's I just got another. I used to only play with predator 314 also. But I played with the original shafts for a while and now I got used to them I don't even use the predators anymore. I was going to get the joint ring to match as I did my other customs but I just like the shafts he made so much for the cue's Im not going to waste my money.I had a j/b also that matches my first player he made me. I only have one problem when I play is what will I play with I have a couple customs that just hit really good now .Glad you like your cue's ,,,,<<ED


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Mick,just got to ask,last christmas you were laid up with a back operation & rotator cup surg. & this christmas during our snow dusting of 24 inchs you slip & break your ankel & leg in 1 quick slip. At this rate, will the sly ever see daylite?????? Merry Christmas & Happy New Year bro.....I'll test drive that sly for you


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
ricky baby

Funny you should bring that up...I was going to see if you were interested in using it while you're figuring out what to do with your other cues. I'm still expecting one more fancy cue from leon.

And, get your facts straight.:smile:
December 11, 2007-broke my back
December 20, 2008- second back surgery, December 20, 2009- broke ankle and back walking down the icy sidewalk. Im no fortune teller, but something's telling me not to leave the house in mid to late December.

Bring my fat ass a cheese steak!


I'm back
Silver Member
You can't go wrong with a Sly Cue. Leon makes a Hell of Cue.
I think I have to order one more soon. The 3/8x10 Pin is a Monster hitter:grin:

leon sly

old school maniac!!
Silver Member
Funny you should bring that up...I was going to see if you were interested in using it while you're figuring out what to do with your other cues. I'm still expecting one more fancy cue from leon.

And, get your facts straight.:smile:
December 11, 2007-broke my back
December 20, 2008- second back surgery, December 20, 2009- broke ankle and back walking down the icy sidewalk. Im no fortune teller, but something's telling me not to leave the house in mid to late December.

Bring my fat ass a cheese steak!
wow!! sory to here that mick hey man i'll be over that way friday night I'll bring a cheese steak :rotflmao1::yeah:
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
thanks woodchuck

hey leon, dont worry about bringing me a cheesesteak. That whole post was meant for my friend rick. :)
thanks for the thought though.