Looking for a CEM shaft (Cuemaker from Germany)


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cue shafts

i would like to try one of the bem shafts how much are they and bob danielson builds a real nice 6 piece shaft called the sweet spot 360 the best laminated shaft i have played with yet i have 3 of them they hit really good.:):eek::smile::rolleyes::p:cool:


AzB Silver Member
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At the Moment we figure outvto send some Cues and shafts to Vegas . Will post Details here if Cem called me


AzB Silver Member
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Cem shaft

what's the price on the Cem shafts

Cem shaft with black or silver ring collar will cost 250€
(with actual changing rate arround $325) without shipping.
To get some idea on the prices in germany a Mezz HP2 costs regular
250€ ($325) and Predator shafts arround 240-265€ ($310-345).
Trust me Cem's shaft is worth every cent and he is using great shaftwood.