Luong Chi Dung - Viet Nam player.


son of 3 leg 1 eye dog ..
Silver Member
He played almost a flawless match against Jeff De Luna. Is he a best kept secret? Anyone have some skinny about him?

Drives me a little nuts though with his stroke. Looks like he is stroking for BHE on every shot, but he is good. Nice break shot he was working.

His next match against the Chinese player should be equally good.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I really like this kids game. Is real smart with the break controlling the cueball and one. Reminds me of a young Fong-Pang Chao. Commentator mentioned he was up and coming Asian player who knocked Pagulayan out of a tourny there recently, and defeated Yang and Reyes I think in another tourny. Also just lead Vietnam to Semi's in recent world cup of pool. Thats about all I can tell you.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I caught the first half of the match this morning. Luong was very impressive, and not intimidated at all by the home crowd or by De Luna's armor-piercing breaks. Apparently, he even got De Luna breaking soft towards the end.


He had one exchange with (i forget who he played) that was classic where he had to jump on top of a ball to prevent the loss on three fouls. Very smart and skilled player.

Also a contender for sure. At this point there are ONLY championship caliber players left.


Raya Representative
Silver Member
Luong Chi-Dung beat Alex Pagulayan in the SEA Games 9-ball singles division. He then lost to Cheng Kang-Kwan of Singapore in the finals to earn the silver medal. Dangerous and young - around 20 years old.

Kid's got game, and money to spare apparently. Bought a couple of predator shafts at the venue (he was looking at 314 2nd gens).


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If Wu plays against Luong Chi-Dung , what a game it is to watch. In the near future, it will happen. Like young Reys
against young Earl.