In all my 30+ years of playing I have never had a cue built just for me with details I picked out, till now. Although I have owned plenty of "custom" cues, they were all already built when I bought them. Joe Callaluca from NH built me a good one, I picked the wood (spalted maple and african ebony with some grain), ring design I liked that Joe does and the natural brown linen buttcap and joint which I have always liked in cues and had Joe doe the inlay design that he felt was good for the cue. Double rings at the joint to look proper with a black collar shaft since my son and I have collected a good number of those to swap around on our cues.
It blows anything I owned before out of the water as far as presence and comments about the designs, at least in the 3 days I have had it
Sorry cue companies, but you lost my business after this one
I don't see ever having an itch to have another one built, unless Joe does a matching breaker LOL Or if I can talk Mike Webb into building something since he is another local cue building buddy of mine.
Stole the pics from Joe's post here, I wanted to share in the main forum as my first actual custom, felt just the cue and case gallery was not enough LOL
Mine is the wood handled ebony one.