N.Y. State 14:1 Straight Pool prior to 1970


Back in '74 or '75 I met a Staff Sergeant in the service who was about 26 years old. His specialty was EOD (explosive ordnance disposal.) He told me he came in 2nd in the New York State pool tournament. He played really good. He hooked me 3 times in a row placing the cue ball right up kissing or very nearly so behind an object ball. No one had ever done that to me. He pissed me off. But he had that "touch." Thinking about it now, I think he only ever missed just to be friendly.

Since he was a Staff Sergeant and I am guessing he came in 2nd when he was still a civilian so it was probably in the mid to late sixties. I think his name was Rick.

I presume they were 14:1 tournaments back then. Are there any records of the results of these N.Y. State tournaments from back then?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
you could search the old publications like the Billiard News. There are a couple of others too, just can`t think of them.