National pool hall appreciation day?


So the general consensus seems to be that interest in pool has been waning...pool halls are closing there doors left and right. I went to the pool hall near my house in upstate NY for the first time (just moved back to the area) and the owner and I had a good talk, part of which was basically reminiscing about all the pool halls that used to be in the area but have since closed down. It was nice to talk to someone who remembered these places but sad to think about them being gone.


What if we had a National Pool Hall Appreciation Day to support your local pool room? You know....parades through town...face painting...pie eating contests... Okay, perhaps that's a bit over the top.

But we have National Rubber Ducky Day (Jan 13), Convenience Store Day (July 11), National Play Your Ukelele Day (May 2) -- Why not National Pool Hall Appreciation Day? It certainly seems like it would be more beneficial than celebrating bath toys.

Any thoughts?