New DCC Equipment?


New member
I went to DCC last year and everything played like a dream. No bad rolls, kicks, or drag. I noticed this year when looking at the sponsors that Aramith had been replaced by Cyclop Pool Balls. Now I've never heard of them before and I was wondering if I could get a little insight on how they play compared to Aramith.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Cyclop Ball Sets

Cyclop is a high quality phenolic ball set. It is 85% phenolic resin as compared to 56% on Super Aramith Pro. It plays very similar to the old Brunswick Centennial ball sets.


knowledge > execution. :(
Silver Member
They were used in the last CSI US Open series. Most people said they were fine, but there was a lot of talk of balls skidding on the sidelines. Plus, the colors are all messed up. haha But, I do know they make a "traditional" color option - so maybe those will be used on all the tables, except the TV table probably.


The Netherland Nihilator
Silver Member
The color scheme caused announcers and cameras both lots of problems.

The cyclops balls are not camera friendly.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I found the object balls to be nearly identical to the Aramiths I'm used to. The cueball was quite weird, though. Semi-translucent, it looks like a soft-boiled egg. And it played springy, like it didn't weigh as much as the other balls, though I'm pretty sure it's really the same weight. The white of the cueball is a different material than the white parts of the object balls.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Lots of people talking about the balls skidding and sliding yesterday and today while I was there.

Also noticed the object balls don't take much english at all unless hit at a 1/2 ball thickness or more. Now that could be because they are brand new I don't know. I don't recall my Aramith super pros being like that when new but it's been a few years.

Seen a good amount of banks missed by top players. Mainly crossing banks hit thin and 1p shots requiring spinning the object ball. Jose Parica for example was missing shots I would of bet the farm on his entire first match and was none too happy about it. Only 2 I seen really banking well was Bustamante and Earl and even they were missing those type of shots.

But we'll see how the 1p matches go as the tables and balls get a bit dirty and broke in if things change.


knowledge > execution. :(
Silver Member
After playing with the cyclop balls for 4 days while I was at DCC, I can say that I did notice more skids than usual. We all know those shots that tend to skid, so when those happened, eh - whatever - but it seems like the CB grabs the object ball a little more. The CB plays a little weird. Most people I talked to agreed that it played a little heavier than the red circle - a little lighter than the blue "s" aramith. It took me a couple of days to get used to it. And that GIANT empty diamond logo plays tricks with your eyes when it's on the edge. I don't really like it - but it didn't seem to slow a lot of people down. *shrug*