old school pool article


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
great read
freddy's daughter sure inherited his ability to tell a story


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think that kickstarter campaign failed unfortunately. I would have loved to get a copy of the book.

Tramp Steamer

One Pocket enthusiast.
Silver Member
404 not found, billy, and the article you spoke of was not in Billiards Digest.
As a matter-of-fact, I could not find Billiards Digest because they went out of business twenty-five years ago along with News and World Report, and the New York Post.
I fear, billy, that you have recently passed through a warp in the space time continuum and have been gone, lo these many years. Things have changed since you were last here.
Fifteen years ago, Barton choked to death on a Chinese fortune cookie (oh, the irony). The fortune, taken from the half eaten cookie read, "Kindness is it's own reward."
Not long after that, PJ started his own pool consulting firm. It went bankrupt in less than a year.
Sam became a professional pool player. When not playing pool he parks cars at the local Benihana.
Pt109 published a book of quips an quotes on a lifetime of pool. It was a best seller.
Cuebuddy dropped by my local pool room, I beg your pardon, Sports Bar and Grill, a couple of years ago. We had a burger, played some One Pocket, and I haven't heard from him since.
Measureman went to work for a fishing company baiting trot lines. It was a union job. After a year, or so, he became a ..........you knooooooow.
Philly went back to school and then went into the medical field. He works in the circumcision ward at his local hospital and moonlights selling tip material to Tom Hay.
JAM, after 3, 487, 294 posts, finally left.
Other than than, not much going on.
Oh yeah. I won the Power Ball lottery, bought a pool hall in Phoenix, and started living the good life. Dick drops by from time-to-time, and we talk about the good old days here on AZB. Come in, sometime, and say howdy. :smile:
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
404 not found, billy, and the article you spoke of was not in Billiards Digest.
As a matter-of-fact, I could not find Billiards Digest because they went out of business twenty-five years ago along with News and World Report, and the New York Post.
I fear, billy, that you have recently passed through a warp in the space time continuum and have been gone, lo these many years. Things have changed since you were last here.
Fifteen years ago, Barton choked to death on a Chinese fortune cookie (oh, the irony). The fortune, taken from the half eaten cookie read, "Kindness is it's own reward."
Not long after that, PJ started his own pool consulting firm. It went bankrupt in less than a year.
Sam became a professional pool player. When not playing pool he parks cars at the local Benihana.
Pt109 published a book of quips an quotes on a lifetime of pool. It was a best seller.
Cuebuddy dropped by my local pool room, I beg your pardon, Sports Bar and Grill, a couple of years ago. We had a burger, played some One Pocket, and I haven't heard from him since.
Measureman went to work for a fishing company baiting trot lines. It was a union job. After a year, or so, he became a ..........you knooooooow.
Philly went back to school and then went into the medical field. He works in the circumcision ward at his local hospital and moonlights selling tip material to Tom Hay.
JAM, after 3, 487, 294 posts, finally left.
Other than than, not much going on.
Oh yeah. I won the Power Ball lottery, bought a pool hall in Phoenix, and started living the good life. Dick drops by from time-to-time, and we talk about the good old days here on AZB. Come in, sometime, and say howdy. :smile:

The nice thing about working for tips is I don't declare them on my income tax and now you've blown my cover.

Buzzard II

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
By the way Philly, if you save enough of those tips, you can sew them into a wallet. If you rub the wallet it turns into a briefcase.