Oscar Dominguez in UK tabloids, not good.


Who cares if they drop the F bomb? It’s not like anyone has never heard it before. It’s just an effing word anyway. It has many meanings and you have to take it in context.

The world has become a bunch of sissies lying in wait to be offended.


Burn all jump cues
Silver Member
The UK programs on TV are saying things ten times worse than what Oscar said. We don't understand a lot of the things you say either UK. Get a LIFE. Johnnyt


Truth Will Set You Free
Silver Member
The UK programs on TV are saying things ten times worse than what Oscar said. We don't understand a lot of the things you say either UK. Get a LIFE. Johnnyt

I think to most pool players, what Oscar said was no big deal, we've all heard worse. But for pool to go mainstream and for companies to support pool, making "rape" worded jokes is a sure way to kill any chances of pool to go prime time any time soon.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Playful joke not a put down

Sent from the mobile client - Forum Talker

It's not about anything but the R_ _ _ word .... with everything going on right now and bro being live on ESPN ,,,, come on ! Do what you want in a pool room but wow !!!!!! I bet ESPN don't Stream it next year ... Good going !


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's not about anything but the R_ _ _ word .... with everything going on right now and bro being live on ESPN ,,,, come on ! Do what you want in a pool room but wow !!!!!! I bet ESPN don't Stream it next year ... Good going !

Right, ESPN is really sensitive. How many actual known rapists do they have playing on their channels every day?


Bar Banger, Cue Collector
Silver Member
Oh the horror of it all

The fact that this even needs to be explained makes me extremely sad.

Do any of you know how hard it is to remember that you are mic'd up? If you do it every day, then yeah, it becomes much easier. Trust me, there have been many times in my work, where somebody says something inappropriate for being mic'd up and those people wear mic's WAY more often than once per year.

If this was said in the action room at derby, everybody would be laying of the floor laughing, not butt hurt and seeking counseling.

I think they all forgot they were mic'd up. Some of the language has been horrible. Thorpe dropping the f bomb constantly & talking about dick pics being sent on Twitter.

They forget & it's understandable. They are most likely trying to make themselves comfortable & relaxed in a tense situation with all the pressure, very understandable IMO.

People are so easily hurt these days by words in competition, it's astounding how anyone survived beforehand.


daydreaming about pool
Silver Member
I remember when svb was quoted as saying he was going to horsefk his opponent in a gambling match. It was funny to me then and it is still now.

Making offensive sexual jokes during competition is deeply ingrained in both amateur and pro level play. Just take a look at the banned team names for APA and you will see this.

I think the hyper sensitivity to things nowadays has really gotten out of control. Who is the victim here? Dennis? The guy Dennis was playing? I'd be willing to bet neither give two sh!ts about what was said. How can a third party legitimately be more offended than the "victim" here?
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F* ks Given...Zero
Silver Member
Right, ESPN is really sensitive. How many actual known rapists do they have playing on their channels every day?

Right! I mean how many times have we seen actual rapist on ESPN...


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
For those that it bothered, grow a pair. Absolute joke with zero malicious intent. To even talk about it is to further travel down the weak path this country/world is going.

Comparable to Jim Carey in D&D saying "and tell her I have a rapist wit" lol

Shawn Armstrong

AZB deceased - stopped posting 5/13/2022
Silver Member
If rape jokes are fine, why not let them make pedophile jokes as well? It’s all in good fun, right?
International audience. He screwed up. There were 10,000 other things he could have said. Rape, in any light or context, isn’t funny. Anyone who shrugs this off or thinks it’s funny is one of the reason so few victims come forward. “Touch of a rapist” shouldn’t be an expression I had to explain to my 9 year old son who was watching the match with me.

Shawn Armstrong

AZB deceased - stopped posting 5/13/2022
Silver Member
For those that it bothered, grow a pair. Absolute joke with zero malicious intent. To even talk about it is to further travel down the weak path this country/world is going.

Comparable to Jim Carey in D&D saying "and tell her I have a rapist wit" lol

I have a set. It wasn’t funny. I have a great sense of humour. But rape in any context - there’s nothing funny about it. Anyone that thinks it is...needs to vacate the human race, let alone the pool hall.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Who cares if they drop the F bomb? It’s not like anyone has never heard it before. It’s just an effing word anyway. It has many meanings and you have to take it in context.

The world has become a bunch of sissies lying in wait to be offended.

Hence why pool is where it is. It it didn't matter to what they said, they wouldn't have cut the mics on certain people and would not have apologized for it. ESPN has done that before when that word as been caught on camera.

Again, you are not in the local pool hall with your buddies drinking and doing whatever. You are on a national and international stage trying to show pool that it isn't just a bar game. Don't reinforce the stereotypes pool already have.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have a set. It wasn’t funny. I have a great sense of humour. But rape in any context - there’s nothing funny about it. Anyone that thinks it is...needs to vacate the human race, let alone the pool hall.

I respectfully disagree. I have been around pool along time and have heard this phrase on numerous occasions, not as attempt to enlighten rape, because no one does or should. It is a phrase that is used to describe someone with no touch. On the golf course, when someone blows a putt past the hole by five feet, a phrase " touch of a retarded gorilla" has been used. Not to demean gorillas or "special-needs" people just a way to make light of a poor effort.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Much ado about absolutely nothing.

I guarantee you that under the heat you’d all be spouting profanities. I know I let one leak out, on camera, when I was playing JB and missed a shot halfway through what should have been a runout. And I spent half my life in front of cameras and microphones.

It happens.

And to all those sensitive snowflakes that are trying to parse what he said into something literally involving rapists, think about your mommy the next time you drop the f-bomb with a reference to her right in front.

Lou Figueroa

Positively Ralf

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's not about anything but the R_ _ _ word .... with everything going on right now and bro being live on ESPN ,,,, come on ! Do what you want in a pool room but wow !!!!!! I bet ESPN don't Stream it next year ... Good going !

it's espn though.......they literally fired or suspend anyone who praises anything trump yet when one of their casters, during their "niggest show" at 6pm called trump a racist and white supremacist, they let it slide. take what they do with a grain of salt.

as for the comment. yeah I understand why everyone is mad. but looking at the landscape of society today in America, everything is sensitive to everyone.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think some are missing the point. I got no issue with that word or what people say in a pool room setting. Yes, seeing shane say that he was gonna Horse**** an opponent was funny, but it was in the setting of a gambling match and was catered to that audience. Not an international audience. Saying they forgot they were mic'd is a copout. You know your mic'd.

West Point 1987

On the Hill, Out of Gas
Silver Member
Ok, I'll admit it. I laughed when I heard it. Clutch the pearls, someone drops an f-bomb or makes an irreverent comment while gently breaking his partner's horn in the middle of a maelstrom of slurs, insults and taunts from the drunk crowd, specifically placed there for dramatic effect. Barry Hearn patented the format. His darts tournaments are even wilder. Why does everyone think our boys (or the Euros, for that matter) are above it? What finishing school do you think these boys went to? I wouldn't worry about coverage in the Sun, either, it's a rag...looking for anything sensational to print...and they'll make it up if they don't have it. "Calls for him to be banned from future tournaments" indeed.