Pool Tournament Ideas


Hey all, running a pool tourney and short a few teams. Need some ideas on maybe a few things we can do during the tourney to raise some extra money for the winners. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Donny Lutz

Ferrule Cat
Silver Member
Fund-raising options

Hey all, running a pool tourney and short a few teams. Need some ideas on maybe a few things we can do during the tourney to raise some extra money for the winners. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Find a venue with an owner who is willing to add prize money to promote business (not an easy task nowadays).

Get local businesses (restaurants, movie theaters, auto repair shops, cue makers, etc.) to donate gift certificates or cash in exchange for free ads (on bulletin boards, websites, etc.).

Hold a calcutta.

Raffle off a cue, case or something at or prior to the event.

Charge a minimal spectator fee.

Donny L
PBIA/ACS Instructor


Call me Grace
Silver Member
The Coors Lt. Girls or any other scantily clad women always seemed to draw a parade of men with big, deep pockets. Any live streaming for this?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
break-and-run contest. I'm always more likely to make my way to a tourney if there's one of these. Especially if they don't stop raffling until someone's won the prize pool.

Six Shooter

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You can also do a 50/50 raffle. Sell tickets (example: $1 each or 6 for $5). You can set what the ticket prices will be.

Winner of the raffle gets 1/2 of the pot and you can use the remaining 1/2 to allocate to the winner of the tournament's first place or whatever cause you deem worthy of it.

Just an idea.

Marie's husband

Cue It Up Promotions
Silver Member
I have had great success with a 10 ball pot.

The tournaments I do start at 10 am, every two hours starting at noon I do a 10 ball pot that draws a total of three tickets.

The first ticket drawn is for 100% of the pot, if the player does not make any money, then the second ticket is worth 100% of the pot, same for the third ticket. If player does win any money on the first ticket, then the next tickets are worth 50% of pot.

To win money, all you have to do is make any ball on the break. For example, if the pot is $500, then each ball is worth $50. If the first player drawn breaks and makes one ball on the break, then he get $50 for that ball, then he gets to continue shooting them in order and receives $50 for every ball he makes before he misses. Slop counts and if the player combos the 10 ball in or makes it on the break, it is worth $50, but he gets to continue shooting. So there is no one ball that will win the jackpot on the break or combo. (make sure that is explained or else it will create conflict if its not explained).

At the end of completing the three draws, you throw away all the tickets and carry over the money left over to the next draw in two hours.

To start the 10 ball pot, I threw in the first $100 because the bar was already adding $500 to the tournament and this was one of the first tournys they have ever put on and didnt want to press my luck too much with them.

But, what I also did was promote the sales of drinks with the 10 ball pot. You could buy the tickets for $1 each and every time you bought a beer or a soda, you receive a ticket for free. So my recommendation is that you may be able to sell this idea to the bar so that they can add the first 100 to kick off the pot.

oh, one other thing, with Washingtons Gambling laws, we can only give out a max win of $500, so when the pot gets larger than 500 we increase the ball value still but cap off the win at $500. In example, pot is $1000, the first person drawn is playing for 100%, which equates to $100 a ball for a max of $500. So they would only have to make a ball on the break and run 4 balls.

Last tourny, we gave out over $1200 in 10 ball pot money and our pot started at around $340 from the carry over from the previouse tourny. This weekends starts at around $250 from the carry over.

Hope this helps and good luck.