Poolhall junkies experience




I would like to know what were your feelings after the movie? Dissapointed? Happy? Disgusted? Sad?

I have read many bad critics, and have expected the worst. But it was worse than I could have dreamed of. So, according to the movie, pool players are nothing but retards who are not able to do anything else in life. They refer to pool as something "you should stay away from".

Thank goodness this crap movie is not really popular or else it would further ruin already bad image of pool.

How will you inspire more people to play pool? Certainly not by watching this!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Before I saw it I didn't hype it up to myself as a true gambling, or hustling movie, so I think that's why I enjoyed it. It could have been made very realistc with spots and so forth, but then would only appeal to an even more select crowd.

Although a few of the 'hustles' were a bit poor..."You got your shoes on your feet"?????

Buddha Jones

The Enlightened One
Silver Member
I saw it when I was half asleep, which I think made it enjoyable. I am afraid to watch it again, then I might start critiquing or something. Not enuff pool playing, plot was light, acting was sketchy, storyline had holes. I'd rather watch pool on ESPN.


AZB's own 8-ball jihadist
Silver Member
I thought it was crap. The acting sucked as most of the people were way to typecast or seemed embarrased through the whole movie to even be a part of it. The story was crap and the whole pool scene was nothing like the real thing. Our sport took a step back when that was released.


Ball banger
Silver Member
I actually enjoyed the movie. I watched it with my wife and we both agreed that it depicted 'poolhall life' pretty well in places. Fair enough, there was a fair amount of movie BS in there (like 90% of shots played were bank shots), but not huge amounts.

I thought it pooped on 'Color of Money' from a great height.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Definitely worse than The Hustler or COM. Must add that I'd rather see a bad pool movie than just about any good non-pool movie...

There was one HILARIOUS part, IMO: After hustling at the girl's boss' party, at the bottom of the steps some kind of scuffle breaks out and Vince (well, the movie is lots better if you call him Vince) hits a guy...funny part is when C. Walken says off-handedly, "What are you, crazy?".

Oh, and the Cuetec sticks were lame. Why did they use em? Do they look that much better on film?

We need BCN to do a 'Real World' style show where they follow a road player around. Preferably one who smokes PCP and plays jam-up. Those guys are always entertaining...in someone else's p-hall anyway.


Top Spin

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I thought Poolhall Junkies was horrible. A "B-" movie at best. The only bright spot was Christopher Walken who could salvage anything he appeared in. Technically poor as well. You'd think they would have showed some of these guys at least how to hold a cue, let alone shoot a ball. What really blows my mind is that they had Mike Massey (the best trick shot guy on the planet) on the set and they didn't use his skills!!
If it wasn't about pool I would have shut it down real quick.
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Andy Segal

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Mike wasn't the technical advisor. The only reason why he was on the set was that he was filling in for Paul Sorvino, who was supposed to play the role that Mike ended up playing. I watched it in my basement with Mike and everytime some unrealistic scene or shot came up, he kept saying that the technical advisor (can't remember his name off hand) was upset because no one was listening to him. I can sympathize because I was technical advisor for a Woody Allen movie (Sweet and Lowdown - 1999). That was a good movie and it wasn't about pool, but there were some pool scenes in it. From a pool player's perspective, some of the shots werent realistic. Also, some of the ways that the actors (especially Sean Penn) stepped up to the table and got ready to shoot a shot were very unrealistic, but the director does whatever they want to do.

I enjoyed the Pool Hall Junkeis movie for what it was - a movie about pool with a friend of mine in it. I agree that it was bad for pool, but luckily it wasn't a very popular movie, since it only had about a 3 million budget, which included advertising.

amateur said:

I would like to know what were your feelings after the movie? Dissapointed? Happy? Disgusted? Sad?

I have read many bad critics, and have expected the worst. But it was worse than I could have dreamed of. So, according to the movie, pool players are nothing but retards who are not able to do anything else in life. They refer to pool as something "you should stay away from".

Thank goodness this crap movie is not really popular or else it would further ruin already bad image of pool.

How will you inspire more people to play pool? Certainly not by watching this!

Fast Replies,
I have a Hugh video collection, one of the most complete in the country. I got a ton of stuff from Tom Shaw, the editor of P&B magazine who had put together dozens of tapes of just about every clip ever ran on pool. I have seen all of this crap Hollywood has put out on pool over the last half century. I have been playing and watching what they project as what pool players are. I have come to the conclusion they only have one script for the cowboys and Indians movie. Injuns get butts kicked by the 7th Calvary every time when in fact most of the time the 7th Calvary were lost and did not have a friggin clue what they were doing. Finally the incompetent injuns trapped and wiped out every one of them.
Custer was not even a General or in charge in the field, he was a Lt Colonel and was a loose cannon.

Hollywood has the same script for pool, you have the little weasel punk sleaze ball who's the stick, the backer, the usual suspects, the big fight where they bust up the joint, and it’s the same song and dance, only the actor’s change but never the story. I put together a video tape of 2 hrs of nothing but my favorite Hollywood video bar fights, some of the newest ones involve guns blazing and everyone inside the joint dies but the hero. 1000 rounds are fired at him and he goes un hit but he kills 9 drug dealers with his single 9mm 9 shot pistol, right. I call this my let's rumble tape; this one is not for the little kiddies. When you watch this tape, they you understand how this continued same message has sunk in and is now firmly established. Frankly some of these bar fights are spectular, if you are into fighting, violence and mayhem.

IMHO the three things that have hurt pool the worst over the last 50 years are this:
(3) (1) The music man, when Robert Preston sang you go trouble, right here in river city, oh you got trouble and its a pool table right here in your community. That put the message in every mayor and councilman’s head that a pool table in your neighborhood will destroy the morality of your youngins. That was in 1960 and by the way, a honkey sang the first rap song and invented hip hop, not you bros. The brothers stole it from da honkeys. You got one, two, 3—4-5-6 pockets in a table. Pockets that mean the difference between a gentleman and a bum. The message was if you let your kids play pool they become bums.

(2) The movie above I just described is the same one Hollywood spits out over and over. It has only one script which constantly puts pool and its players in the worst possible light. Corporate sponsors see this and shun pool which is why it is not on the main stage today and on weekend during the day prime time like the other major sports. All we really have is ESPN who puts out a crap product and uses it as nothing but a filler. ESPN would most definetly be on my top 10 list of what did pool in.

(3) The BCA, who in trying to control and own all aspects of pool and own the entire sport has instead killed its own growth. It should be and act as nothing but a trade organization. Instead the owners of the distributors own and run the BCA behind the scenes and use it to further their own personal interests and to enrich themselves. It was the pro players and the club players who suffered from this as they slowly killed off the sport and the game.

They are now rich and the majority of the pro 9 ball players today are poor and out playing for chicken feed watching all athletes in all sports around them becoming millionaires and playing for million dollar purses.

Don’t shoot the messenger, if you don’t like the message, go shoot the people who did this to pool. I am simply telling you what happened, telling it like it is, and people in pool do not like that. Nobody likes me writing these obits. Then it becomes, we have to organize and shut up this guys mouth. There is no freedom of speech in pool, there never has, everything has been very tightly controlled. For the first time on internet boards, people for the first time have been able to voice their opinions on what they think and publish their feelings that run counter to the propoganda the establishment tries to brain wash and spin you with. You may not like what I say, but you should defend upon your death, for my right to say it.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Maybe the women pool players should make a movie...might have a different presentation.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Have you seen "Stickmen" ... made in New Zealand?
Available at the "EZ Video" chain for rental.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
BeeMan said:
Hey ajrack
Haven't seen it, but been wanting to for a while. How is it?

I've seen it. Showed some promise early on, but then the "grand finale" was a doubles comp that was $500 entry winner take all "pub rules" 8 ball single elimination race to one. Nuff said.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
pub rules race to 1, haha
well now i have to watch it so i can laugh at the kiwis


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Okay movie, any pool movie is good, even though some are not REAL GOOD!!!
I saw it in Melbourne last year but now the movie is playing here in the USA on cable TV.


sorry to bring up an old post but i had to give my opinion on the flick

I really love poolhall junkies. better then TCOM but not as good as the hustler

The acting was solid(walkin was awesome) and while the plot was predictable it was still exciting and funny.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I just saw the movie last night. I loved it!!! I liked it better the TCOM too! I watched it twice. My wife, daughter, son and his girlfriend watched it and they all loved it too. I thought the acting was great. You could tell it wasn't a big production picture but the writing and acting were phenominal considering the lack of money put into this.

Those young guys at the diner just cracked me up. I thought everyone in the movie did a phenominal job!