Practice what I Preach


Center Ball
Silver Member
15-4 then each added 2....17-6 when Lefty 🔥 a Max! 11 more and a Trophy picture.
2 rails to the teal 2 now 3 or more to the king 15 with snooker like precision. Chin on the cue.


Center Ball
Silver Member
The abbreviation temptation at times arises. When thinking right, I take a break. Squats!? I don't need more.
Yodda said:
Huh? Maybe you should score.
Lefty's definitely motivated and elated to find a shot. Straight to the end rail past the teal trophy, with special sauce to get the side adjacent the trophy. Then foot rail straight at the king 15.


Center Ball
Silver Member
The shot for the Right is 4 rails around the purple trophy 🏆. Well it's the right shot for Lefty as well. Alls well and ends well. Off we go.......


Center Ball
Silver Member
Approaching Perfection is fun.
The cue lays on the line to target.... Right opened with an 8 point shot to the orange 5. So just for fun we decided to go for a run. Rather than alternate shot. Right was table hooked so made the challenge the handed. Oh so close just missed it by that much, ...The close approach to the 9 says, "I feel fine." 🤷‍♂️ Ah therapy that I can enjoy.


Center Ball
Silver Member
Form Work as a carpenter provides the majority of my retirement. I much prefered the fine furniture work but had to follow the money. Union work ain't funny. 😉
My theory on learning billiards goes along the same vein. New B's wannabe able to do just one astounding shot. Perfecting the form pays.
Left vs Right with images reversed. 10 second timer requires the full squat for each shot. Getting set to the timer is part of the lesson.
The collateral lesson is the stance difference and the advantages of playing both ways. 🤷‍♂️ My earliest sport endeavor was baseball. At a young and receptive age I read everything I could on the earliest baseball legends. Hitting from either side of the plate was extra ordinary.


Center Ball
Silver Member
The physical therapy includes taking Lefty to the discomfort limits.
This is the rattle snake no the jouster. Just jesting 🤷‍♂️


Center Ball
Silver Member
Squat Wad was a favored slur as a basic Cadet. It's dropped at recognition. So in that spirit the squats are dropped after success at target 1. Besides I am entitled to the Senior discount. 😉
3 rails to the purple strip king ball is a fun study and done in competition mode. Chin on the cue.


Center Ball
Silver Member
How to Better Your Game With Practice is written regarding golf but it works for pool too!
The introduction includes, " to truly improve, practice sessions need to be focused and performed with the intent of honing your swing and skills." My morning practice is performed with the intent of maintaining physical and mental flexibility and conditioning. My left vs right competition and logging the scores daily gives me insights into gradual changes in results.
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Center Ball
Silver Member
The Body Shot.
Lefty gets the morning trophy picture. A recreation of the form employed to get the cueball snuggled to the orange stripe 13. The opening challenge. One rail one handed for a one short of maximum 9 point shot. Whitey kissing and on the pad and oh so close to the hole.
The therapy of the stretch is reason for this type of challenge or exercise. Approach ing perfect is the Fun! Amusing self at the table for an hour to greet the sun is fun and we play for fun. But it's easier to have fun when winning. Shrug 🤷‍♂️.
Now Right choose the 2 rails to the dirt color stripe 14 adjacent the mud color 15 on the King pad.
Bridge hand is added but upright stance maintained (like Mosconi). Maintaining the physical and mental through focused adherence to the program. Exercise is the goal. Resulting improvement to the pool game is a nice collateral result. 😉
Don't forget the squats do jaz.


Center Ball
Silver Member
2 rails to the 14 gives the opportunity to improve aim and focus.
The line is determined while standing and then locked in setting the shooting platform. Confidence in the Dance gives me the best get lucky. (Like Efren, he said, scratching head) 😉
The aim and focus: I aim for the contact point with the cueball. I focus on the point I expect the tip to pass through 2 inches beyond the contact. I call it the exit wound. 🤷‍♂️ It works well for me.
Becoming intimate with the cue tip/ball interaction is enlightening.


Center Ball
Silver Member
Talking about My Generation

Can't help but times this brings back.
I was in Basic Training and had completed a week of wilderness survival. I had the advantage of a boy scout Training in the Trinity Alps. Also had night nav Training as same. 3 of my group of 10 raided the Officers ice box. 4×8×4 with full sheet of plywood as lid. Adjacent their TV tent in the middle of the open field.
We were pressed to hit it by the squad of 10 that crested the hill where we lay doing surveys over the camp.
It was after dark and one single officer remained in the 10 man tv tent. 2 of us pressed the 100 yards to the ice box.... with lid open steps on the floor board sounded the alert and lid was dropped sile tly and we crouced behind while he got his last treat. We got the rest. We filled our jackets and zipped. Em tight. At the top of the hill reception Bob of the 3 some asked
"what did you get ?" With an audience of 10........"Nothing! Nothing at all." His reply was instant. "They are going into the supply tents, lets go with them" "No Bob! LET'S GO."........ Our first exploration had yielded a sleeping person in the tent....Rob and I had harvested tomatoes oranges lunch meat and emptystuffor uh condiments. Which was our story at departure dragging Bob. N"nothing in there but".
We were the second week of close to 500 in the same valley. Survival at every level allowed me to finish 1st. No trophy just a steak and baked potato. The small new York steak was all the shrunken stomachs could hold. 🤷‍♂️


Center Ball
Silver Member
. The small new York steak was all the shrunken stomachs could hold.
Oh yeah the next morning bulletin included a report of 2 raids last on the Officers was in a commendable tone. The second was on the Cadet Officers and tone was scathing.....Hmmmmm anyway the bulletin was if all involved don't report.....No Steaks or potato barbecue at the end of the 10 mile hike out.
"Yeah Right " was the 3 some response whispered as we declined the lame attempt. By evening the report was, "All involved have reported".....yeah right. 😉


Center Ball
Silver Member
Bob Rob and Greg well 'Bare Bryant and Cantrall' was the way it sounded over the P A. We also instigated sending 6 rather than 2 requested to receive our 2 rabbits to be eaten by 10. Our superior man power allowed us to collect 4 stray uh escape artists that were lounging in the open field.


Center Ball
Silver Member
The Over the Shoulder Pen Holder is the caption. Using the table tennis training. 🤷‍♂️ Steve Mizerack gave me the Darts training
The sun therapy had created the over the shoulder attempt from the launch pad where the 2 whites remain, to strike the 9 ball and settle in a hole after the 9's eviction. Kind of surprised myself. First attempt in decades. 🤷‍♂️


Center Ball
Silver Member
Study study study:
I recall the 2 room grade school with first through 4th in one room. 5th through 8th in the other. The lesson was on the chalk board. The interesting stuff was through the windows.
So the study is the interaction of the tip and ball. Similar to playing ping pong when the paddles changed from sandpaper to rubber. Looking at the object ball as I strike the cueball eliminate the chance to learn. 🤷‍♂️ I don't need the diamonds or dots on the cueball to see what it's doing. I watched and know exactly where it was struck and the resulting path and rotation. I generally know if I Have made it at the separation of ball from tip. Don't need to wait and see if the cueball is going where intended. Or then wonder why.
My eyes are on the contact point. My aim is on the exit wound on normal shots. Close range delicate shots makes the focus and aim very close to the same. 🤷‍♂️

Texas Carom Club

9ball did to billiards what hiphop did to america
Silver Member
If your reading comprehension was a bit better you will understand that this is his new thread and he's not posting in practice practice practice anymore.

Don't you have some kids on your lawn to yell at or something?
Yeah this seems just like his other rambling thread