Question on the Joint


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Anyone who had played with a radial pin stainless steel joint can tell me what the hit is compared to piloted stainless steel joint or ivory joint?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

dakaratestar said:
Anyone who had played with a radial pin stainless steel joint can tell me what the hit is compared to piloted stainless steel joint or ivory joint?
The whole idea of a cue with a big pin, ie 3/8" wheather radial, 3/8-11, or 38-10 is the flat faced contact of wood to wood that gives a distinct "feel" or feedback to the player. I suggest you play some with a Southwest or a Bluegrass cue to experience this type. Then play with a Tim Scruggs or a Ginacue for the stainless joint experience. Then ask yourself the question: Which do I like better?