Rails/banks playing very short on GC3


Silver Member
Here is an idea Islandracer, why not offer one of the table mechanics here some vacation time in Jamaica to come and visit you, fix your table, play some pool, and enjoy some fine Caribbean sunshine in exchange for working on your table. If I was a table mechanic its something I might consider taking you up on.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Here is an idea Islandracer, why not offer one of the table mechanics here some vacation time in Jamaica to come and visit you, fix your table, play some pool, and enjoy some fine Caribbean sunshine in exchange for working on your table. If I was a table mechanic its something I might consider taking you up on.

I thought about that when setting it up initially but I got a pretty high estimate from a Miami mechanic and after reading through the previous replies, it may start a brawl if I chose "wrong" on this issue! It's such a minor detail for that anyways, everything else feels great except for that issue. Plus I just had a kid, so that budget isn't there right now (or the time to play once a week if I'm lucky!).


Silver Member
From what you've explained by answering my questions I don't think there's much you can do except replace everything with new. The GC3 like many others from it's era is designed to use 2-1/4" balls and that's what you're using. If the balls aren't hopping, I would say it's playing exactly as it should be with no self proclaimed table mechanic necessary.