Har har har.
I have to admit, you were way out ahead on that one. I didn't see it coming at all.
Naa, Scott offered me some fantastic Bubinga sapwood years and years ago and I passed. What a blunder. This stuff was wild.
He might accidentally have a piece left.
I don't even know if he still makes cues.
I hope he's doing well.
I obtained an unused Scott Gracie box style cue earlier this year- all ebony and ivory with incredible ivory boxes, dice, and propeller inlays- it is one the nicest pieces of workmanship I have ever seen on a custom cue and it plays real well- simply a flawless execution in every respect- I heard that he dropped out of the cue business due to his wife's illness and has not returned to the business. Sad, if true, as he obviously had tremendous talent, based on this cue that I obtained.