snooker cloth , and the nap


Well-known member
so we all know snooker cloth is directional and many go to great lengths to care for the cloth.
some use a big brush to comb the nap towards the foot of the table. One place made a piece of plywood about 6" wide and the width of the table, with snooker cloth on the bottom, and they slide that toward the foot of the table. I noted that on one table that the users seemed to be caring for the cloth a bit too much and actually wearing it through perhaps too much fussing about.

I noted that on a new cloth, the balls seem to slow down more as they are headed towards the head , and slow down less if heading to the foot of the table as they are running with the nap.
as the cloth wears it gets faster and players have to allow for that when shooting and often aiming such that the cue ball ends up close to the rail at the head, leaving their opponent a difficult shot if they can stop right on the rail and prevent them from using the bottom of the ball.

Are there other nuances in play relating to the nap? If you are shooting corner to corner does the nap throw the ball considerably and do you aim differently to compensate?
how do you care for yours?
Im thinking that maybe that it s the reason a player may find they have better success in accuracy on hard shots, because then there is so much energy that the offset is reduced.

often there is also other considerations like when applying spin , that changes the aim as the ball is actually traveling in a bit of an arc. Some have developed great skill at getting out of a hook by using the curve to their advantage, Its something I need to work on personally.

What happens to the direction of the cue ball and object ball, and when the cue ball hits the first cushion are also considerations a good player is taking into account, learning to control all these factors in unison is part of becoming a better player.

Personaly I think I need to wrap my head around these technical aspects a bit better, and think about them during play, as I don't think these things come just naturally without really understanding the physics and noting nuances in accuracy during play. I've seen videos that touch on the topic but thought perhaps some of the more experienced players could share a bit more depth.