Southwest Cues


Silver Member
Do you guys think I am stupid or what? You think I do not know about the search function on the site...?

I have looked and to no avail, until someone posted actual information...

If you feel as though your time is being wasted by posting then dont post, and if you do post an answer, post only if you know the answer.

Any post other than that, is a waste of your time, but it's by your choice not mine...

As stated before, by another poster, it's just as simple to post the answer than to post a complaint about the question or a "go fly a kite" attitude.

I do not know any of you on here, but most of you act like your 13, not all but many.

Anyway, thanks for those that DID genuinely offer help, and to those that assumed things and wanted to teach lessons, instead of actually answering the question if you knew the answer, enjoy wasting your time...

If I needed to know how to do a search I would have asked............

And yes, I would say this to your face no matter how big you are.......... truth is truth, no matter the perceived danger in stateing it.....

No one thinks you are stupid......maybe a bit sensitive, but not stupid...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Not sensitive at all....... Just think that people on this forum show their asses way to much while dealing with others.

My first reply was meant to be amusing but I followed that up with some of the information you requested. The thing is, sometimes there is an assumption people have information at their finger tips, they usually don't and look it up and may post links. I have looked up info by going in my attic and going through old catalogs or magazine articles finding info that could not be found any other way without a pack rat like myself. Then rarely will the OP ever even bother to come back with any kind of a thank you.

No one is trying to hide information or be a wiseguy but information that is easily googled doesn't require asking. And when someone does go to the trouble to do the work for the poster they do it as a service not an obligation. When you do get a wiseguy remark it is probably due to past experience with the ungrateful.
Call it knee jerk if you will.