Started my Zero-X Boot Camp


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Did my frist 100 strokes Stroke Drill.

Really tough not to pocket any balls...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Congratulations, Lucky you. Keep this thread update, and let us know what other practice exercises you had to do. I'm sure after that camp you'll be a much better player.

I'm waiting for camp with Darren Appleton in July.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Congratulations, Lucky you. Keep this thread update, and let us know what other practice exercises you had to do. I'm sure after that camp you'll be a much better player.

I'm waiting for camp with Darren Appleton in July.

Here is my list:

Zero X Boot Camp

First Goal:
Stroke Drill (2000 strokes, 1000 w/ center, 600 with follow & 400 with draw )

Second Goal:
Automatic Aiming (ball pocketing book/dvd center ball line)

Third Goal:
Half Ball Patterns (cue ball must stay within the half of the table at all times; roll out 3 balls picking pockets for all balls prior to shooting)

Forth Goal:
Full Table Patterns (roll out 3 balls picking pockets for all balls prior to shooting)

Fifth Goal:
Brake Rak Practice

Sixth Goal:
Zero X Kicking Systems

Seventh Goal:
Zero X Banking


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Oh man - that's discipline! Every time I get going on stroke drills that I KNOW will help my fundamentals and performance, I get really, really bored and start playing the ghost or something like that. Keep it up!


Dead money
Silver Member
If your experience is anything like mine, the front part of your right shoulder (assuming you're righthanded) will get very sore. It's a different experience to stroke time after time with little rest between strokes.

BTW, any particular reason for the order of 6) kicking and 7) banking? I think it's easier to learn the banking first and apply that knowledge to kicking, but that's just a personal opinion.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Tor is independently wealthy or has a very strong passion to teach pool? From what I researched, the 14 day boot camp is free. Not to mention his expense of traveling and lodging, eating, etc.

14 days worth of lessons, even at $100/day is $1400 worth and the guy is doing it for free.

Most pool instructors charge $2-300 for 4hrs worth of lessons.

Sloppy Pockets

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Tor is independently wealthy or has a very strong passion to teach pool? From what I researched, the 14 day boot camp is free. Not to mention his expense of traveling and lodging, eating, etc.

14 days worth of lessons, even at $100/day is $1400 worth and the guy is doing it for free.

Most pool instructors charge $2-300 for 4hrs worth of lessons.

I don't know about wealthy, but he does do other things.

Probably the best choice out there right now to come up with the next blockbuster pool movie that will revive public interest in the game again. Maybe the 14 Day Experiment is just part of his master plan.

Sloppy Pockets

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
How you do sign up for the 14 Day Experiment?

I forget where I saw it, but it may have been on his website or FB. There was a whole application that I filled out IIRC, along with a brief description of who you are, and what you hope to achieve in the game. At my age I didn't think he'd pick me, but I see he has helped a couple guys that are a bit older, so maybe next year if he's still doing it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Pete, How did you come up with a plan for the boot camp?

My APA session just ended last night. I have a 3 week gap before the next one starts. I am thinking of doing his stroke drill. He does recommend not to play league or play against the ghost or even pocket balls when you are doing stroke drills.

I will be interested in learning your progress and compare your progress with mine.

I did sign up for his tour this year but was not selected. I believe he is on tour teaching pool for about 6 months or so this year. I do commend him for going out and teaching pool without expecting anything in return. All he wants you to do it is pay it forward.

I have his videos and book. They are quite informative. If your are intermediate player, which i am , you could definitely pick tons of tips and change your game.


How you do sign up for the 14 Day Experiment?

Here is the link with the page containing the official application to be a participant:

The 2014 tour is booked solid, however, I do know he is still taking applications for the 2015 season. It's very exciting to hear that a portion of 2015, the months he has not been typically including on tour, may be devoted to a European tour by invitation, to at least include Austria, Sweden, Germany, and the Netherlands.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hi Pete-

How exactly do you perform these 3 stroke drills? Is their a particular setup that you use measurements on the table etc? I put in an application too I am hoping to get picked. I was told he will be in Boston the end of June I am hoping to attend as a spectator some of his trainings.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Just throw out 3 balls on to the table.

You could pocket the three balls in random or go the 9 ball route by pocketing the lowest number ball left on the table.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Zero X flaw

The only flaw in the Zero X system is that the videos aren't protected from duplication. Some guy in our pool league paid the $20, and now everyone has a copy of Kicking and Banking.

The guy deserves the $20. His lessons will seriously improve your game...


The zero-x videos are the only pool videos that I paid for. I saw his video on youtube and decided it was worth 20 bucks and it has been well worth it. I use Mark Wilson's book for basics, Tor's videos and info from Dr Dave's billiard uni website.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Pete, How did you come up with a plan for the boot camp?

My APA session just ended last night. I have a 3 week gap before the next one starts. I am thinking of doing his stroke drill. He does recommend not to play league or play against the ghost or even pocket balls when you are doing stroke drills.

I will be interested in learning your progress and compare your progress with mine.

I did sign up for his tour this year but was not selected. I believe he is on tour teaching pool for about 6 months or so this year. I do commend him for going out and teaching pool without expecting anything in return. All he wants you to do it is pay it forward.

I have his videos and book. They are quite informative. If your are intermediate player, which i am , you could definitely pick tons of tips and change your game.

I was off (do to a surgery I had) for a couple of weeks. I watched the 14 day experiment and saw a pattern in how Tor arranged the camp, so I just mimicked that.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hi Pete-

How exactly do you perform these 3 stroke drills? Is their a particular setup that you use measurements on the table etc? I put in an application too I am hoping to get picked. I was told he will be in Boston the end of June I am hoping to attend as a spectator some of his trainings.


Well the table I practice on has shallow pockets, so I take 5 balls on each side of the spot (head or foot), put the ball on the spot, step in and do my warm up strokes and shoot it in. I am working up how long I stay down after each shot.

I didn't but in an application because I don't have access to a table for that many undisturbed hours (SADLY). But would live to go and watch/meet Tor...


Dead money
Silver Member
Hi Pete-

How exactly do you perform these 3 stroke drills? Is their a particular setup that you use measurements on the table etc? I put in an application too I am hoping to get picked. I was told he will be in Boston the end of June I am hoping to attend as a spectator some of his trainings.


The stroke drill is simply hitting the CB from the headspot into a footspot corner pocket. The purpose is just to get you to straighten out your stroke and focus on fundamentals without worrying about aiming, position, etc.

It works...but as I mentioned, your shoulder can get very sore if you're doing 200+ per day :D

Sloppy Pockets

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hi Pete-

How exactly do you perform these 3 stroke drills? Is their a particular setup that you use measurements on the table etc? I put in an application too I am hoping to get picked. I was told he will be in Boston the end of June I am hoping to attend as a spectator some of his trainings.


As far as I know there is only one stroke drill that he recommends. You take an object ball, put it on the foot spot, and stroke it straight into a corner pocket. Then you do it over again... 2000-3000 times more. Each stroke should be done as precisely as you can, paying attention to your approach to the shot, setting of the bridge hand, taking a careful and measured backstroke and a smooth accelerating forward stoke with the tip following through and resting on the cloth when you are done. Best to just watch his free YT video and get it from the horse's mouth (stroke drill section begins at 32:30)

I haven't done it for 3000 times in a row without any playing like he recommends, but I've done several groups of a few hundred in a row and I can say it really got me stroking through the ball nice and smooth and very straight. I know I've been cheating myself by not doing it like he says, so I'm gonna pick a week very soon and just force myself through it.

It's actually kinda fun, and you can combine it with a lot of other things (top, bottom, left, right, hard, soft, etc.) to groove them into your stroke as well. My drag draw has gotten first-rate just from practicing it during this drill.

One Pocket John

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Here is the link with the page containing the official application to be a participant:

The 2014 tour is booked solid, however, I do know he is still taking applications for the 2015 season. It's very exciting to hear that a portion of 2015, the months he has not been typically including on tour, may be devoted to a European tour by invitation, to at least include Austria, Sweden, Germany, and the Netherlands.

Thanks Pam. Tor is in St. Louis today putting me thru the boot camp at Cue & Cushion in Overland, MO. I feel very lucky and proud to have been selected from so many applicants. Tor is a very pleasant instructor.
Oh yeah, who is feeding Tor's cat..........poor little guy. :)
