Teaching a Newbie to stay down

Rusty C

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've learned one thing about this thread, instructors can't teach you how to stay down.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've learned one thing about this thread, instructors can't teach you how to stay down.

Really? I'm an instructor and I was a touring pro on the WPBA tour for over 20 years. You think maybe I learned a little about how to stay down on my shots?

So, please inform me...what's wrong with the advice I gave in this thread?

Roger Long

Sonoran Cue Creations
Silver Member
There has been some good advice given here, especially the "MOFUDAT" drill offered by pogmothoin in post #32. That drill has long been known as the "Back-To-The-Tip" drill, and I believe it was first introduced publicly by Bob Jewett in the early '90's (I could be mistaken on that, however).

The Back-To-The-Tip drill teaches you the four things that I feel are most important to developing a good stroke, and they are: straight alignment, level cue, staying down, and following through. And the reasons are: Without straight alignment (or at least a straight delivery), the cue ball will not go straight to the target and return straight back. Without a level cue, the cue ball will swerve off-line. Without staying down, there will be no tip for the cue ball to come back to. And without following through, same thing, there will be no tip for the ball to come back to. As Dr. Dave said on his site, it's the best drill ever devised.

Sure, this drill can be boring, but I haven't seen any drills that I consider fun. I guess that's why they're called drills. :wink:



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hi -

I'm a newbie. I'm trying. To help stay down, I adopted S.A.D. as part of my routine. "S" is for "Set" to get a firm stance. "A" is for "Aim". "D" is for "Down". It helps me, but I seem to not have the discipline I would like to have. And I practice Dr. Dave's drill before shooting balls just to get in my groove which is not too groovy.

> We can teach, Can you learn?


Silver Member
Hi -

I'm a newbie. I'm trying. To help stay down, I adopted S.A.D. as part of my routine. "S" is for "Set" to get a firm stance. "A" is for "Aim". "D" is for "Down". It helps me, but I seem to not have the discipline I would like to have. And I practice Dr. Dave's drill before shooting balls just to get in my groove which is not too groovy.

> We can teach, Can you

Make sure that you incorporate the correct eye pattern.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Randy -

> Make sure that you incorporate the correct eye pattern.

Thank you. At my young age (73), I feel lucky just to see the cue ball.



Swim for the win.
Silver Member
This may work

It does not matter if you pocket the ball or not, the routine is the same.
Pocket object ball ( or not )...watch object ball disappear ( or not )
Do not move your head...now shift your eyes to the cue ball ( sending the cue ball with your eyes ) if you can do that you will have enough time to order lunch.
When you miss a shot 99% of players get up immediately (Wrong) The other 1% curse and whine.... bad habits multiply. Send the cue ball with your eyes even on a missed shot. You will see improvement in more than one area.
All my players send the cue ball visually after a made or missed shot.
If they don't I make them face the corner, or lick chalk off the cloth.
Throw in the dust stroke and you will look marvelous darling.

In the beginning you must use your reminders until it becomes second nature.If it takes more than 1 session to use this method,,,quit pool and take up stamp collecting.