UK Pool Tour rule


I'm from the states, so be kind. Watching a U.K. Pool .Tour match and saw something I have never seen in any kind of cue game. Player breaks and runs down to the 8/black ball and misses shape. He can see his ball, but doesn't have a clear pocket. He shoots cue ball into black ball into opponent's ball. This knocks opponents ball out of the way, and he then shoots black ball into pocket to win the game. Why is he allowed to continue?

Lee Vilenski

AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
I'm from the states, so be kind. Watching a U.K. Pool .Tour match and saw something I have never seen in any kind of cue game. Player breaks and runs down to the 8/black ball and misses shape. He can see his ball, but doesn't have a clear pocket. He shoots cue ball into black ball into opponent's ball. This knocks opponents ball out of the way, and he then shoots black ball into pocket to win the game. Why is he allowed to continue?

It depends on the rules being played. In some codes, after a foul shot, the other player receives two shots (As opposed to ball-in-hand). Most codes have the second shot only count if the first shot misses a pot. However, there are some rules that allow you to regain the second shot past your next pot.

Personally, I always found this to be a bit of a poor rule, making the foul far too costly. And, IMO, no one should be allowed two shots on the black.