Unintentional hustle


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I got this feeling that I came across the same guy, chances are it prob. isn't but with this guy, I walk in to a place, and as soon as I walked in, this guy walks up to me and out of nowhere he asks if he wants to shoot race to 5 for 50. I was surprised considering I haven't even took my cues out of the case yet. I came off of a $200 win from the night before so I just told him sure why not. He was a shot maker but wasn't too good with getting shape. turns out I give him the 8 in 9ball, 2 games and all the breaks and I got him off for $300... but what makes me think mostly that it could be the same guy is the fact that he is a C shooter, but talks like he is a A+++ shooter. Saying that he used to hustle with Earl Strickland and Efren Reyes... lol He looked like he had no money which turns out he did but only 250 of it, he had to bum 50 bucks from somebody to pay me off for the full amount which I didn't know until he left.
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Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
I got this feeling that I came across the same guy, chances are it prob. isn't but with this guy, I walk in to a place, and as soon as I walked in, this guy walks up to me and out of nowhere he asks if he wants to shoot race to 5 for 50. I was surprised considering I haven't even took my cues out of the case yet. I came off of a $200 win from the night before so I just told him sure why not. He was a shot maker but wasn't too good with getting shape. turns out I give him the 8 in 9ball, 2 games and all the breaks and I got him off for $300... but what makes me think mostly that it could be the same guy is the fact that he is a C shooter, but talks like he is a A+++ shooter. Saying that he used to hustle with Earl Strickland and Efren Reyes... lol He looked like he had no money which turns out he did but only 250 of it, he had to bum 50 bucks from somebody to pay me off for the full amount which I didn't know until he left.

I've got another two hundred saved up and I want a rematch.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ever see the poster of a small fish being eaten by a larger fish, being eaten by an even larger fish and so it goes. Seems to me that is you participate in the cannibalistic rituals your going to get eaten at some point.

I think Neal had it about right, there are several possibilities. If he was hustling me, I never saw it but $100.00 might have brought it out. I don't think he was hustling me but then that would have been the best hustle. Then too when he saw that I could play a little maybe he decided to back off as he really did not get many shots that last match.

Guess I will never know.
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Brian in VA

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm with you, Joe. I don't believe in just taking the other guy's money because he wants to give it away. I like to play a square match for a few dollars; makes the game a little more interesting.

Perhaps the lesson is, you can't fix stupid. ;)

Brian in VA


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
To anybody out there who might find themselves in similar situations. Take their money to teach them a lesson and then to ease your conscience ( to those of you who feel guilty ) send the money to me. Just PM me and I'll give you my Paypal info. Thanks a bunch, guys.