What's the deal with pool players? A sport for angry and shitty people it seems


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm probably presuming too much but sports used to be conqueror activities; often to the death. Once all the conquering was nearing completion and civilization started gelling, education became a concern. Nice evolution but humans are still the species in question. Curricularized sports became a conspiracy laboratory and those annoying conqueror genes gained new footing.
I stop contemplating right around there. Developing and sticking to your own character and morality is more productive.


New member
It's a scientific certainty that in pool, just as in Auto repair, there is a specific amount of cussing required to execute certain tasks, or shots as the case may be. Veering from this time honored and accepted practice, while possibly giving one a smug sense of assuredness, has been proven time and again to result in the further consumption of copious amounts of alcohol which many times is required to achieve the requisite state of inebriation facilitating such outbursts and behavior.

Texas Carom Club

9ball did to billiards what hiphop did to america
Silver Member
Also full of people who have nothing better to do than dig up TEN yr old threads. Seriously, there is a TON of money wagered on golf all over the country and with a few exceptions its done without people being asswipes. I think a lot of pool gamblers come from lower income upbringings/surroundings. Not saying its an excuse but how you're raised and your econ. situation can have a big effect on your actions.

i love digging up old threads, mostly to trigger you
but also this guy sam lambert was on a mission and tried hard. but the pool world beat him down and out of it it seems.
the thread title is on point


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
There is definitely something going on with pool players.

Everyone just seem to always be so angry when they are missing a shot or having a bad game. You don't see tennis players throwing their tennis racquet or golf club (well, for that one, at least less often!) or break their hockey stick everytime they miss a shot!

It does happen, yes, but it happens so often with pool players, I am a bit in disbelief. I have only been playing for 3 months and I already saw 2 people break their cue and about 5-7 being thrown on the table/ground. I've seen my share of people hitting forcefully the cueball or the 9 with their hand after missing the shot to win the rack. I've even seen someone do a push at break speed! It hit the 9, it flew off table and hit a player on another table! Needless to say the guy was out of the tournament.

And now, I keep seeing these threads on here about people being ripped off by cuemakers and what not.

What's the deal? Why does pool seem to attract all the shitty peo
There is definitely something going on with pool players.

Everyone just seem to always be so angry when they are missing a shot or having a bad game. You don't see tennis players throwing their tennis racquet or golf club (well, for that one, at least less often!) or break their hockey stick everytime they miss a shot!

It does happen, yes, but it happens so often with pool players, I am a bit in disbelief. I have only been playing for 3 months and I already saw 2 people break their cue and about 5-7 being thrown on the table/ground. I've seen my share of people hitting forcefully the cueball or the 9 with their hand after missing the shot to win the rack. I've even seen someone do a push at break speed! It hit the 9, it flew off table and hit a player on another table! Needless to say the guy was out of the tournament.

And now, I keep seeing these threads on here about people being ripped off by cuemakers and what not.

What's the deal? Why does pool seem to attract all the shitty people?
Try going to a an Eagles NFL game wearing a NY GIANT JERSEY


It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that ping.
Something did.

I work in government services and there is a notable uptick in crazy across all agencies...uniformed, social services, the tax counter...you name it.
I think phones and social media have a lot to do with it. Less in person interaction anymore, shorter attention span, more self centered and seeing bad behavior normalizes it. No time to just unwind and de-stress anymore, you have to be "pinging" 24/7 with no rest. Just wired up and tuned in all the time. Not to mention the algorithms and bots pushing people to extremes.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Try going to a an Eagles NFL game wearing a NY GIANT JERSEY
Doesn't necessarily have to be at a game. I saw a little kid whip his soda at a full grown man in a Giants jacket. Told him he should go the hell home to Yonkers. Dude just kept walking like a punk too, didn't even cuss the kid out or anything.

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