William (ToeBoy) Ricard


AzB Gold Member
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I have a Sneaky Pete, one of the first he made. I think it was 1990, maybe 1989.. Had it made as a 3 piece for playing in bars with tight spots. As far as it's play, I like it as well as my Blacks and other high end cues.

W Ricard - Toeboy - Sneaky Pete - Full.jpg

W Ricard - Toeboy - Sneaky Pete - Broken Down.jpg

John 1963

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What are you asking for it ?
I have a sneaky Pete from ToeBoy
Looking for a fancy one with inlays though


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding. I would not sell it. Too many memories with that cue. Just showing because it was one of his first. One day, I'd like to tell him how much I've enjoyed it over the years.

John 1963

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I wow
Can you tell him to text some pictures of it and how much and where are you located?