pickle in a pickle


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't know about the rest of this thread, but I can definately say that even on my worst day on the job, I've never sat down and said to myself "I'd rather be sucking a d*ck for my money."

Hear, hear! :eek::eek::grin-square::wink::smile:


Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
Substance abuse can take good people and turn them into criminals. It's quite sad, really.

One out of every 100 Americans today is incarcerated, and over 85 percent of the crimes they were convicted of involved drugs.

Today, the drug of choice seems to be prescription pills. The article stated the alleged robbers were wondering where all the pills were as they went through the house of Kashola [What a name!].

If this is, indeed, Bobby, this ain't his first rodeo on the other side of the law. If he's still on parole, he's not only looking at facing time on this charge, but he'll most definitely be facing time for a violation of his parole, which in some cases can give you more time than most new charges.

I'm sure this thread will turn into a flame, but the Bobby Pickle I know isn't a bad guy. Substance abuse raises its ugly head once again and takes good men and turns them into monsters. :(

With tough economic times in our country, I think they should just legalize drugs. Incarceration is so expensive that there's not enough prisons. Some jails today are run by commercial vendors.

Alcohol and cigarettes can kill you, but they're legal, and so too should be drugs. If people want to abuse alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs, then it is their choice. The financial after-effects of illegal drugs today, e.g., the judiciary, prisons, legal fees, hospitals, et cetera, is coming out of my taxpayer dollars.

Here's Bobby Pickle, depicted in the middle, between two Keiths during better times at the U.S. Open. :smile:

With the U.S. economy going to shi*, what a revenue producer, legalizing drugs would do.

Imagine how few drug dollars would be leaving the country. Imagine, how the murder rate in Mexico would drop. Imagine a country full of stoners. Oh wait, we've got that already, the money is just under the table and you go to jail if you get caught.

We've legalized alcohol for some time now and we put up with the drunk driving deaths.

I don't like the idea of legalizing all drugs but what the hell are we going to be. If people want drugs, they are going to get them, whether they are legal or not. Maybe if they were legal, drug abusers wouldn't be kidnapping people and burglarizing their homes for their left over medicines.

Most drugs make you do stupid things. If they were legal, the drug abusers wouldn't have to rob and kill other people to get them. And maybe the drug dollars would stay in America, to help rehabilitate those drug abusers that want help.

At least they ought to legalize Marijuana. It is a deceitful drug but muggle-heads don't usually go around robbing, raping, and killing people. Hell, the weed-heads drive so slow you have time to dodge them if they nod off.

Put Americans back to work. Grow some weed in your backyard and sell it for a profit through the government run agencies (more jobs) and retailers across America. lol I'd like to see America selling weed to the countries that currently supply us.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
With the U.S. economy going to shi*, what a revenue producer, legalizing drugs would do.

Imagine how few drug dollars would be leaving the country. Imagine, how the murder rate in Mexico would drop. Imagine a country full of stoners. Oh wait, we've got that already, the money is just under the table and you go to jail if you get caught.

We've legalized alcohol for some time now and we put up with the drunk driving deaths.

I don't like the idea of legalizing all drugs but what the hell are we going to be. If people want drugs, they are going to get them, whether they are legal or not. Maybe if they were legal, drug abusers wouldn't be kidnapping people and burglarizing their homes for their left over medicines.

Most drugs make you do stupid things. If they were legal, the drug abusers wouldn't have to rob and kill other people to get them. And maybe the drug dollars would stay in America, to help rehabilitate those drug abusers that want help.

At least they ought to legalize Marijuana. It is a deceitful drug but muggle-heads don't usually go around robbing, raping, and killing people. Hell, the weed-heads drive so slow you have time to dodge them if they nod off.

Put Americans back to work. Grow some weed in your backyard and sell it for a profit through the government run agencies (more jobs) and retailers across America. lol I'd like to see America selling weed to the countries that currently supply us.
I know it isn't a popular stance, but it makes much more sense than the current state of affairs.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Totally agree with you, FWIW!

Jail usually has been the deterrent for some crimes, but it doesn't work anymore. The system is broke.

There are a couple of pool stars today, who shall remain unnamed, who did a lot of time in jail related to drugs and/or substance abuse. They came out of jail, learned from their mistakes in life, and today shoot pool around the world representing the United States. IOW, they turned their lives around, KWIM?

I don't agree with substance abuse of any kind, to include drugs. I just think if they were legal, it would eliminate a growing problem that is bankrupting some States' economies. There are not enough prisons to house these offenders. If they cannot legalize drugs, then there needs to be another deterrent or punishment, aside from prison, IMO.

I agree that legalizing the stuff would solve some of the problems surrounding it but it would create others. The British had penal colonies. Maybe that's what we need with drug users, colonies where they can live amongst themselves away from others. We agree that the current system is broken.


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
legalizing drugs

Hate to say it but I'll agree with legalizing drugs. A minor caveat or two though.

Neither you, your dependents, or anyone living at the same address is entitled to any social services or emergency medical care. You chose to put yourself and them in this position, you take care of them and yourself.

Any property damage caused by somebody testing dirty for nonprescription drugs or any debt they run up, put them in a work house and let them work off the debt before turning them loose.

Oh yeah, if you kill or injure somebody else while under the influence it counts as a premeditated act and is punished accordingly, that should include alcohol also.

I know exactly how cool and harmless drugs are. I buried enough friends and family in the sixties and seventies that the memory stays fresh. I'd be a very rich man if I had a dollar for every time somebody made a stupid and dangerous error in judgment after just smoking pot too.

Whomever the Bobby Pickle in the story turns out to be, he risked other people's lives to steal from them. Like a one time friend doing life in Angola for $10,000, they can lock him up and throw away the key.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hate to say it but I'll agree with legalizing drugs. A minor caveat or two though.

Neither you, your dependents, or anyone living at the same address is entitled to any social services or emergency medical care. You chose to put yourself and them in this position, you take care of them and yourself.

Any property damage caused by somebody testing dirty for nonprescription drugs or any debt they run up, put them in a work house and let them work off the debt before turning them loose.

Oh yeah, if you kill or injure somebody else while under the influence it counts as a premeditated act and is punished accordingly, that should include alcohol also.

I know exactly how cool and harmless drugs are. I buried enough friends and family in the sixties and seventies that the memory stays fresh. I'd be a very rich man if I had a dollar for every time somebody made a stupid and dangerous error in judgment after just smoking pot too.

Whomever the Bobby Pickle in the story turns out to be, he risked other people's lives to steal from them. Like a one time friend doing life in Angola for $10,000, they can lock him up and throw away the key.



I had resolved myself to bite my tongue while reading through this thread, only to find out if the arrestee is in fact the Bobby Pickle we know in the pool world, and have to sift my way through many many posts that only worked to raise my blood pressure. Then I came across this gem, and felt I had to post up and acknowledge a truly great post! Well said Hu!

I am currently in my 21st year as a full time sworn police officer. I served the past 9 years as a patrol sergeant, but before that I was on the emergency services team (SWAT), was a tactical officer dealing with gang crimes, drug crimes, vice, and anything that involved "special circumstances." I have seen more than 10 lifetime's worth of SH!T and can tell you JAM, with all due respect, that your argument to legalize drugs is absolutely absurd!

Legalizing drugs won't decrease the number of drug related crimes committed. It will only eliminate the small number of possession charges that users and dealers can be arrested for. And it WILL exponentially increase the number of other crimes users will commit while "legally" on these drugs! Not the mention the millions of families that will become homeless because mommy and daddy had to spend the mortgage money to get their daily fix.

Without going into too much detail, I can tell you for a fact that just because you don't hear about it on the news doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Someone's argument that pot smokers are a mellow bunch that wouldn't hurt a fly is full of B.S. too. Take it from me, I have seen it and have testified to it.

I can fill pages and pages with factual stories and police reports that contradict any argument any might come up with that say some drugs are harmless, just because they haven't "heard" otherwise. Take a ride along with me some midnight shift and I will change your mind.


Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member

I had resolved myself to bite my tongue while reading through this thread, only to find out if the arrestee is in fact the Bobby Pickle we know in the pool world, and have to sift my way through many many posts that only worked to raise my blood pressure. Then I came across this gem, and felt I had to post up and acknowledge a truly great post! Well said Hu!

I am currently in my 21st year as a full time sworn police officer. I served the past 9 years as a patrol sergeant, but before that I was on the emergency services team (SWAT), was a tactical officer dealing with gang crimes, drug crimes, vice, and anything that involved "special circumstances." I have seen more than 10 lifetime's worth of SH!T and can tell you JAM, with all due respect, that your argument to legalize drugs is absolutely absurd!

Legalizing drugs won't decrease the number of drug related crimes committed. It will only eliminate the small number of possession charges that users and dealers can be arrested for. And it WILL exponentially increase the number of other crimes users will commit while "legally" on these drugs! Not the mention the millions of families that will become homeless because mommy and daddy had to spend the mortgage money to get their daily fix.

Without going into too much detail, I can tell you for a fact that just because you don't hear about it on the news doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Someone's argument that pot smokers are a mellow bunch that wouldn't hurt a fly is full of B.S. too. Take it from me, I have seen it and have testified to it.

I can fill pages and pages with factual stories and police reports that contradict any argument any might come up with that say some drugs are harmless, just because they haven't "heard" otherwise. Take a ride along with me some midnight shift and I will change your mind.

I value your experience as one of our country's finest and appreciate your service so I am asking you to reply to my following observation.

Just recently, I came in contact with a distant drug addicted, family member and when I offered my counsel, the person lamented that when people like him get the way they are, they only take drugs so that they won't feel bad (from the withdrawals). They aren't taking drugs to get high any longer and simply take drugs so that they won't feel terrible. I don't know about a lot of drugs and I suppose that you should know more than me.

Do you know what percentage of the drug users that are committing the crimes against society are doing so just to get money to supply their habit?

The marijuana users that you have arrested for violence; were the majority tested for or found in possession of other drugs in addition to marijuana or were they simply violent marijuana users?

I believe marijuana is a very dangerous drug but not because it helps it users to be violent. My perspective is probably a lone voice in America, as I have experienced most marijuana users to be lackadaisical or in essence, lazy for the most part and they don't realize that it is a demotivating drug and sucks the very essence of life from their lives.

Many years ago, I once had a good friend and police officer with over 20 years or duty under his belt who said marijuana made people crazy?

Thanks again for your service and your response in advance.

Please don't take my question or statements offensively as they are only asked and shared based upon my life's experiences and am only trying to learn more.



Showin some A$$
Silver Member
Lets see....I believe (allegedly) we have....

1 - A pool playing drug dealer behind bars
2 - A pool playing pedophile behind bars
3 - A pool playing kidnapper behind bars

All we need is a pool playing bank robber and we have enough for the Jail Cell Ring Game....plenty of cameras available for live streaming!!!!!



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Lets see....I believe (allegedly) we have....

1 - A pool playing drug dealer behind bars
2 - A pool playing pedophile behind bars
3 - A pool playing kidnapper behind bars

All we need is a pool playing bank robber and we have enough for the Jail Cell Ring Game....plenty of cameras available for live streaming!!!!!


Who is the pedophile?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I value your experience as one of our country's finest and appreciate your service so I am asking you to reply to my following observation.

Just recently, I came in contact with a distant drug addicted, family member and when I offered my counsel, the person lamented that when people like him get the way they are, they only take drugs so that they won't feel bad (from the withdrawals). They aren't taking drugs to get high any longer and simply take drugs so that they won't feel terrible. I don't know about a lot of drugs and I suppose that you should know more than me.

Do you know what percentage of the drug users that are committing the crimes against society are doing so just to get money to supply their habit?

The marijuana users that you have arrested for violence; were the majority tested for or found in possession of other drugs in addition to marijuana or were they simply violent marijuana users?

I believe marijuana is a very dangerous drug but not because it helps it users to be violent. My perspective is probably a lone voice in America, as I have experienced most marijuana users to be lackadaisical or in essence, lazy for the most part and they don't realize that it is a demotivating drug and sucks the very essence of life from their lives.

Many years ago, I once had a good friend and police officer with over 20 years or duty under his belt who said marijuana made people crazy?

Thanks again for your service and your response in advance.

Please don't take my question or statements offensively as they are only asked and shared based upon my life's experiences and am only trying to learn more.


Hey Joey. Thanks for the recognition. It's always nice to hear that we're appreciated from time to time as opposed to the crappy attitudes we normally endure. I'll try to answer your questions as well as I can. In regards to your distant relative. The statement about taking the drugs to keep from feeling terrible is, in my opinion, an excuse to make them and you feel better about their condition and maybe ease the embarrassment. Drug abusers have to constantly adjust their intake as their tolerance level goes up. Eventually it takes more and more to feel the euphoria they once felt, and as a side effect their bodies react to the re-introduction of the chemicals by suppressing the mechanism of withdrawal. Depending on the length of addiction and their level of tolerance, withdrawal symptoms can last several days. Prescribed synthetic opiates (methadone, codeine, etc.) can ease the withdrawal symptoms and is basically a lesser of two evils, meaning your relative can get on a prescribed program that will wean them off of the illegal drugs by replacing them with less harmful ones to ease the pain, then maybe off of them altogether, if they wanted to be free from the drugs. I may be cynical but I don't buy it.

I don't have any hard statistical data on the correlation between drug abusers and crimes committed to supply their habit, but if you think about it, unless you’re a pro athlete or an “A” list actor with an endless supply of disposable cash, you’ve got to do something to support your $500 a day habit. And you know these people don’t work and make enough to cover that habit. So I would say the percentage is pretty high.

I’m not saying that marijuana makes its users violent. I am saying that if you take a violent offender and have them smoke a joint, it isn’t going to change their demeanor. A violent person is going to be a violent person depending on their intent. I have physically fought with and arrested dozens of people who have had in their possession only paraphernalia used to ingest marijuana. Same goes with those only in possession of alcohol, crack, meth, etc. Most drugs clearly fall into the category of either stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogen, cannabis exhibits a mix of all properties so while it may be a depressant for some, in others it may be a stimulant.

The good news is marijuana does not make you crazy. LOL, I think your cop friend had good intentions by telling you that.

I would never take your questions as offensive or ill natured. I am happy to engage in informative, adult conversations such as this and am always willing to be as informative as I can based upon my life experiences.

book collector

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Hey Joey. Thanks for the recognition. It's always nice to hear that we're appreciated from time to time as opposed to the crappy attitudes we normally endure. I'll try to answer your questions as well as I can. In regards to your distant relative. The statement about taking the drugs to keep from feeling terrible is, in my opinion, an excuse to make them and you feel better about their condition and maybe ease the embarrassment. Drug abusers have to constantly adjust their intake as their tolerance level goes up. Eventually it takes more and more to feel the euphoria they once felt, and as a side effect their bodies react to the re-introduction of the chemicals by suppressing the mechanism of withdrawal. Depending on the length of addiction and their level of tolerance, withdrawal symptoms can last several days. Prescribed synthetic opiates (methadone, codeine, etc.) can ease the withdrawal symptoms and is basically a lesser of two evils, meaning your relative can get on a prescribed program that will wean them off of the illegal drugs by replacing them with less harmful ones to ease the pain, then maybe off of them altogether, if they wanted to be free from the drugs. I may be cynical but I don't buy it.

I don't have any hard statistical data on the correlation between drug abusers and crimes committed to supply their habit, but if you think about it, unless you’re a pro athlete or an “A” list actor with an endless supply of disposable cash, you’ve got to do something to support your $500 a day habit. And you know these people don’t work and make enough to cover that habit. So I would say the percentage is pretty high.

I’m not saying that marijuana makes its users violent. I am saying that if you take a violent offender and have them smoke a joint, it isn’t going to change their demeanor. A violent person is going to be a violent person depending on their intent. I have physically fought with and arrested dozens of people who have had in their possession only paraphernalia used to ingest marijuana. Same goes with those only in possession of alcohol, crack, meth, etc. Most drugs clearly fall into the category of either stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogen, cannabis exhibits a mix of all properties so while it may be a depressant for some, in others it may be a stimulant.

The good news is marijuana does not make you crazy. LOL, I think your cop friend had good intentions by telling you that.

I would never take your questions as offensive or ill natured. I am happy to engage in informative, adult conversations such as this and am always willing to be as informative as I can based upon my life experiences.

It's always nice to have knowledgeable people to give their opinions. A guy I know who was not an idiot normally, pretty much just your average working guy got hooked on Oxycontins and robbed a pharmacy with no mask and parked his car at the front door . Needless to say they picked him up a short while later and sent him to jail. I guess it could happen to a lot of us? My doctor prescribed them for me and after I had seen what it did to others I said no way. A couple years sooner it might have been me that got hooked


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's always nice to have knowledgeable people to give their opinions. A guy I know who was not an idiot normally, pretty much just your average working guy got hooked on Oxycontins and robbed a pharmacy with no mask and parked his car at the front door . Needless to say they picked him up a short while later and sent him to jail. I guess it could happen to a lot of us? My doctor prescribed them for me and after I had seen what it did to others I said no way. A couple years sooner it might have been me that got hooked

Thanks. As you say it could happen to a lot of us. Fortunately it doesn't. Most of us that managed to steer clear of that sort of thing have common sense and the ability to determine right from wrong.


Banger McCue
Silver Member
Hey Joey. Thanks for the recognition. It's always nice to hear that we're appreciated from time to time as opposed to the crappy attitudes we normally endure. I'll try to answer your questions as well as I can. In regards to your distant relative. The statement about taking the drugs to keep from feeling terrible is, in my opinion, an excuse to make them and you feel better about their condition and maybe ease the embarrassment. Drug abusers have to constantly adjust their intake as their tolerance level goes up. Eventually it takes more and more to feel the euphoria they once felt, and as a side effect their bodies react to the re-introduction of the chemicals by suppressing the mechanism of withdrawal. Depending on the length of addiction and their level of tolerance, withdrawal symptoms can last several days. Prescribed synthetic opiates (methadone, codeine, etc.) can ease the withdrawal symptoms and is basically a lesser of two evils, meaning your relative can get on a prescribed program that will wean them off of the illegal drugs by replacing them with less harmful ones to ease the pain, then maybe off of them altogether, if they wanted to be free from the drugs. I may be cynical but I don't buy it.

I don't have any hard statistical data on the correlation between drug abusers and crimes committed to supply their habit, but if you think about it, unless you’re a pro athlete or an “A” list actor with an endless supply of disposable cash, you’ve got to do something to support your $500 a day habit. And you know these people don’t work and make enough to cover that habit. So I would say the percentage is pretty high.

I’m not saying that marijuana makes its users violent. I am saying that if you take a violent offender and have them smoke a joint, it isn’t going to change their demeanor. A violent person is going to be a violent person depending on their intent. :clapping::clapping:
Thank you. I get tired of the harmless pot head arguement. Drugs just reveal and amplify a persons basic demeanor

I have physically fought with and arrested dozens of people who have had in their possession only paraphernalia used to ingest marijuana. Same goes with those only in possession of alcohol, crack, meth, etc. Most drugs clearly fall into the category of either stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogen, cannabis exhibits a mix of all properties so while it may be a depressant for some, in others it may be a stimulant.

The good news is marijuana does not make you crazy. LOL, I think your cop friend had good intentions by telling you that.

I would never take your questions as offensive or ill natured. I am happy to engage in informative, adult conversations such as this and am always willing to be as informative as I can based upon my life experiences.

After 21 yrs of being on the front lines of this War on Drugs can you explain why it is easier for a juvinile to get a bag of marijuana or crack rocks than it is for them to get alcohol? Billions spent and thousands incarcerated hasn't put a dent in the black market.

Would you agree that most gangs derive their income from and violently protect their drug distribution territories?

Legal products are always cheaper than their black market counter parts and the built in protection of an open market eliminates the violent element because the consumer isn't a criminal with no recourse through the legal system. Then there is the advantage of regulation and quality control, as people wouldn't be dieing from tainted drugs.

Look I am not saying that drugs don't cause problems in our society, they do. People are going to do what they are going to do regardless. I think more harm is done waging war on the citizenry for altering their consciousness as man has done since the dawn of time. Better to bring it into the light and handle the problems (which already exist) drugs cause without compounding the problems by punishing people who have otherwise harmed no one for doing something that is an inherent part of being human.

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Kickin' Chicken

Kick Shot Aficionado
Silver Member
Originally Posted by 9BallMarksman
What the hell does this have to do with pool?

Maybe you should familiarize yourself with this thread: http://forums.azbilliards.com/showthread.php?t=199538

Maybe you should familiarize yourself with 'who's who in pool'
That's like asking why "O.J. Arrested again" would be on a football forum

I'm certain that 9BallMarksman acknowledged his error a while back in this thread. Why pile on?

And, FWIW, it's not at all like being unaware that another OJ arrest belongs in a football forum. Mr. Pickle never accomplished the pool equivalent of winning a Heisman or rushing for over 2000 yards in a season. OJ was a household name - Pickle, not quite.

Brian kc


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The most dangerous drug in our society is alcohol. It ruins more lives and more families than any other drug. Alcohol is found in over 70% of all crimes of violence. The victim, the perpetrator or both were using alcohol. It causes more automobile fatalities, more broken marriages and ruined families.

Making alcohol legal has only made the situation worse. Those with a “weakness” as well as those who did not know they had a weakness have easy access. Unfortunately, it takes much longer to become addicted to alcohol than it does to some of the other drugs and it is probably for this reason that it is the most destructive (to self, family and society) of all drugs. It is not the addiction to alcohol but the misuse of this drug that leads to all of the pain and suffering.

Legalizing drugs is not the answer and alcohol is the prime example if you run the numbers.

BTW I drink as much as most other people in life and prefer a good single malt scotch.. If you run the numbers, and look at the facts, legalizing drugs would only make the situation worse.

Many people use alcohol responsibly but those who do not, cause the most mayhem in our society. We have decided, as a society, that the cost in terms of destruction is worth it and all of us live with the result.
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